Chapter 222 She Does Not Want To See You

Adrian said indifferently, “Since she’s hiding, it means she doesn’t want to see you. Do you really have to insist on bothering her and earning yourself her dislike, Mr. Guerra?”

“Do you know where she is?”

“For now, yes, but I can’t guarantee I’ll know where she is in the future.”

As he leaned forward, he identified another flawless trajectory and took the shot.

However, this time, before the white ball could make contact with the red one, it was intercepted by another hand.

Josiah swiftly plucked the white ball from the table and tossed it into a nearby trash bin, deliberately ending the game for Adrian.

“I really just want to see her once more, to properly explain things to her.”

Adrian remarked, “Mr. Guerra, not every explanation holds significance. Some are as mundane as plain water, imparting no real change regardless of whether you’ve heard them or not.?

Josiah looked him in the eyes and asked, “Have you decided not to disclose it to me? Fine, I’ll find her myself.”

“Stop looking for her, you won’t find be able to locate her.”

Hearing that, Josiah stopped in his tracks.

Adrian gestured toward the pool table with a nod of his chin, stating, “Defeat me in a game, and I’ll divulge

it to you.

to the table. “I hope you keep

talk about it

most tense yet exciting snooker game Lynn had

when they arose, and clearing more than half

adept at making things difficult for Josiah; each snooker he set


other kept countering. As a result, the two of them

hospital staff, all of whom knew Josiah and were even

own set of highlights. Yet, alongside that spectacle unfolded the off- stage drama of two men vying for the affection of the same woman. The additional layer of tension kept the surrounding spectators


08:30 MON,

Does Not

a prolonged stalemate, Adrian finally made a slight

his last move wasn’t executed well, leaving an opening in

opportunity and cleared all the balls in one breath.

hand and tossed the cue onto the pool table, sighing in relief. “Tell me,

smile and said, “She left.”

“She’s gone? When?”

came here.”


a smile,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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