Chapter 224 You Made The Right Decision

When Lysander went to work in the morning, the sight of Daphne at the entrance of the hospital surprised her.


Today, Lysander didn’t have to hold clinic hours, nor were there any surgeries scheduled, so she brought Daphne into her own office.

Daphne said, “I thought about it all night, and I can’t let Harry continue like this.”

After listening to Daphne’s lengthy explanation, Lysander finally understood her meaning.

Harry personified the phrase “taking advantage of the vulnerable” to the fullest extent. The first victim, Daphne, lost her future. The second victim, Priscilla, sacrificed her physical and mental well–being and might even end up losing the rest of her life. Now, a third victim had emerged.

“She’s only two or three years older than I was back then, and she clearly looks like a decent girl, who wouldn’t be able to withstand the tricks of an old hand like Harry. Moreover, once he succeeds, Priscilla would inevitably have to divorce. By then, the ones who would be hurt are the two girls. Once the child in Priscilla’s belly is born, she would be forced to be tied to this scumbag for life, truly losing not only herself but also half of her assets.

Lysander nodded. “I understand what you mean, but this matter will have to wait a bit longer.”

we waiting for? If we wait any longer, I’m afraid he’ll get that lady from the Stone family

to what I

“Lysander, we can’t let him harm other

the same. Both of us want Priscilla to end up like me back then, to get

from people like Harry,

if Priscilla is unwilling, no matter how much we persuade her, it’ll all be in vain.”

you spoken

more than once. I even went against the obstetrician’s guidelines,

in love with

but what I can confirm is,

don’t understand. A child who hasn’t been born yet is just a clump of cells in the stomach Can you really love them this much?

Mon, 3

224 You Made The Right Decision


naturally binds the mother with attachment and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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