Chapter 230 When The Husband Fails

The next morning, she set off just after five o’clock, taking a taxi to the hotel.

Priscilla was doing fine. She was just so excited she couldn’t sleep the night before after hearing Lysander’s plans.

Lysander ordered takeout for her, comforted her for a while, and then took a taxi to the hospital.

After returning from making her rounds, she saw Daphne’s message: Josiah does work speedily.

Below the message was a link to a news article: Lora Barron, the heiress of Seamus Corporation, returns to the country to take over the position of business department director.

When Lysander called Daphne, the latter seemed to have been waiting. The first sentence she said when she picked up was, “You’re finally done with work!”

“Uh huh, I just got back from making rounds this morning. I’ve seen the news.”

“Hahahaha. I can’t believe how fast Josiah acts. He might not be a good husband, but his work efficiency is indeed commendable.”

“This Lora, have you seen her before?

illegitimate one and was hidden very well. Previously, hardly anyone knew of her, and no one has seen what she looks like. In other words, no one is even sure whether her name

Lysander nodded.

possibly be an extraordinary daughter that no one has ever seen before? Moreover, Harry is not a fool, if there is even a slight hint of deception, he will not fall for

she simply inquired further, “That girl is an

She got married and had children at a young age. Her husband isn’t really capable either. Their family is quite down–to–earth and doesn’t have any grand ambitions. Therefore, there are often rumors that,

“Who’s the candidate? Who are we looking

also want to know, so why don’t you come with me to the cocktail party tonight? Let’s go and enjoy the

was hosting a cocktail party that evening to welcome the returning Lora

finishing work, Daphne waited at the hospital entrance in

sports car.

3 Jun

230 When The

not too busy lately, so she


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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