Chapter 234 Not The Best But The Most Expensive.

While Daphne drove, Lysander accompanied Priscilla in the back seat.

“Lysander, what do you think is the best thing to buy with this money? Gold? Should we just buy gold bars? After all, our goal today is to spend all this money and turn it into goods; gold bars are the safest.”

Priscilla nodded emphatically. “I’ve thought about it the last few days. It’s safest to buy gold.”

“No.” Lysander refuted, “I have looked into some previous divorce asset division cases, and precious. metals are also considered as shared property. They will still be divided.”

Priscilla suddenly became flustered. “Then what should we buy? Buying a house is definitely not an option. Should we buy a car? What else is there?”

Daphne suggested, “Buy a car. A luxury car under your father’s name. A daughter showing filial piety to her own father, he should have nothing to say about that, right?”

This time. Priscilla didn’t speak. Instead, she looked at Lysander for answers.

Lysander rubbed her temples. “No matter whose name the asset is under, it was purchased with the joint property of the couple, so it will still be divided equally.”

Daphne suddenly became worried. “What should we do then? Nowadays, there are transaction records for everything we buy. If Harry hires a lawyer to investigate, won’t he get half of everything we bought?”

Meanwhile, the car drove past Luxia Mall.

remarked. “Stop

side. “Here? You’re planning to…”

face lit up with joy. “This is a great idea!”

understand. “Lysander, what’s the idea?”

“Houses, tars, and gold can be apportioned to him, but if you’re talking about clothes and bags… Who in their right mind would insist on apportioning their ex–wife’s clothes after a divorce? It would be embarrassing! I doubt even a judge would agree to that. Besides, Harry is pursuing Ms. Lora, he wouldn’t want to be entangled with his ex–wife over such trivial matters, as he would

Priscilla understood, but…

to buy clothes from luxury brands? But these are the fruits of my father’s

luxury goods can be returned with the receipt within a certain period of time. Spend all your money now on clothes and bags, and

immediately return

Balance: 211 +0


234 Not The Best But The

cry, Victory is already in sight. So, let’s

on Lora’s end is too slow and

be going through the procedures again. Haha, if Harry wants to talk about the law, then we will follow the law completely. Even if we

go of her worries, nodding


lot, and the three of

she frequented, and with a wave of her hand, she said. “This is the budget, try to spend it all for me. Today, I’m not looking for the best, but for the most

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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