Chapter 236 My Bottom Line

“No!” Lysanne anxiously grabbed Daphne’s arm. “Because of Grandma Elisa’s death and the child Dr. Thorne lost, he practically hates me now. The only reason he hasn’t done anything is because of my parents. Ms. Everhart, please don’t call him!”

Daphne shook off her hand, feeling disgusted by her touch. “Then stop bothering Lysander. Remember, you reap

t you sow! Lysander isn’t some kind of saint who has to fix your nightmares. Go cool off somewhere else! Lysandar, Priscilla, let’s go.”

Lysanne suddenly froze.

“Priscilla? Are you Harry’s wife, Priscilla Ziegler?”

Priscilla looked drastically different from her wedding day. She was practically skin and bones with at protruding belly. Lysanne hadn’t recognized her at first.

Lysander frowned and shielded Priscilla. “I have nothing to say to you, nor do I want to hear from you. Just leave.”

Lysanne noticed the luxury shopping bags in Daphne’s hands. “Are you shopping? Who are they for? Priscilla?”

Daphne immediately became wary. “They’re for me. Why?”

bags and

can buy whatever I want.

not. I just didn’t expect you and Dr. Thorne to be so close to Priscilla, taking her shopping. The last

Daphne’s heart sank.

if the cunning man found out, things might get

not necessarily

worried about her baby. She came for a check–up and to see

women shouldn’t move around too much.

own business. By the way, I heard you got engaged to Josiah. Congratulations, but please don’t

her. “Daphne, let’s go.”

a warning look. “Stop following us and

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elevator arrived

hurried out, looking visibly anxious. The moment he saw

shrank back, calling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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