Chapter 244 Like A Beast Baring Its Teeth

This kiss came unexpectedly.

Josiah seemed like a wild beast that had lost its sanity. His kisses were without any pattern, seemingly driven only by animal instinct.

“Jo… Josiah..”

Lysander could barely breathe.

She used all her strength to push him but to no avail. Instead, she tore his suit jacket away a bit. The desires in Josiah’s eyes grew even more intense, and he pushed her down onto the seat, covering her completely with his body.

They had kissed and shared a bed before, but she had never seen him this mad like a beast baring its teeth. She had always thought of him as powerful but harmless, but now, a clear sense of fear was gradually climbing up her spine.

His kisses gradually moved downward. A sharp pain emanated from her collarbone. But at last, she could. speak. She pushed his chest, creating a barrier between them. “Josiah, sober up!”

“It’s because I’m too sober that I’ve been holding back from going to you. I can only watch as you discuss marriage and buy a house with that weak and incompetent person!”

“We’re already divorced. Who I discuss marriage with or buy a house with is none of your business!”

“Really?” He gently pulled away from her, pointing in the direction of the private restaurant. “You think he’s the one for you?”

deep breath. “I don’t need to explain my affairs

his body weight was pressing on

cramped space of the vehicle,

between men and women is significant. Unless Josiah moved away, she couldn’t. do

his hands on you, and what did he do? He just


admit that she was disheartened.

man, he shouldn’t have just stood by and

when Maxim didn’t step in. After all, he had a pregnant wife to look

was all

was a man with hands,

Balance: 19+00

Beast Baring Its Teeth


do you

like you at all. He’s just doing it for-”

it! It’s not like you’re any better. Josiah, we’re already divorced, and I have rejected you time and time again. But what are you doing now? Are you trying to take advantage of your drunkenness to rape me? What’s

pupils suddenly contracted.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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