Chapter 247 A Permanent Regret

Lysander said, “I don’t need her gratitude for helping her. Dr. Ziegler has shown me great kindness.”

“I have no particular ties with Dr. Ziegler or Priscilla. I’m only helping you. I don’t need her gratitude either.”

Lysander retorted, “Do you mean to say that I should be the one expressing my gratitude?”

“No, there’s no need for your gratitude. I just hope you could be a little less guarded toward me.”

It was fine when he didn’t say this. But after he did, Lysander slightly moved back, creating a distance. between them.

Josiah smiled as he watched her movements and said softly, “I was indeed impulsive just now. I’m


“Next time if

I you have the urge, please don’t choose convenience over feelings. There’s always a woman by your side.”

slightly cold. “This is the main reason why I asked you to stay today. I

want to

that case, I’ll just say my piece. You can listen if you want to. But if you

Lysander laughed in exasperation.

were in a Rolls-Royce Cullinan, not a

still hear him even if

parents and my parents are old family friends, You should know this, right?” he


day, cooked her delicious meals, and

ago. Lysander had

very clear about

valued Josiah very much. It was also because he was the only

have had a hard time. Your father passed away, and your mother was pregnant and not in good health. Grandma Elisa had to take care of


351 +1675

1 Cuins 1 Pearls

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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