Chapter 271 I Think I Have Seen This Woman Before

Lysander said, “Michelle’s scores are good, so she should go to a science and engineering university and choose a good major.”

“A science and engineering university…”

“Mom, if you have any thoughts, you can tell me.”

Laura said, “I was thinking, Zachary is currently in a state-owned enterprise. After all, he will be Michelle’s brother-in-law, our family. I was thinking, could we let Michelle study architecture or civil engineering, so that in the future, after she graduates, Zachary can help her get into the state-owned enterprise.”

Lysander gently advised, “Mom, a state-owned enterprise might not necessarily suit Michelle’s personality.”

“What’s not suitable about it? A state-owned enterprise is much more stable than a private one. You know what Michelle is like. It’s hard to imagine her working hard and getting promoted for a raise. In a state-owned enterprise, regardless of good or bad, they always pay the salary on time. A stable job is so much better.”


“How about this? Call Zachary and ask him to come over for dinner. Your dad and I can ask him about his work situation.”

Lysander’s eyes flickered. “He’s been very busy lately. Let’s not bother him.”

“Is his work getting busy again?”


your dad and I were thinking of getting engaged after the

sure either. Mom, Dad, let’s eat. The food

speaking, there was a knock

immediately stood up. “Is it Zachary? I’ll go

up happily. “Then I’ll go to

finish her sentence, Michelle’s puzzled voice sounded.


texted her this afternoon but she didn’t reply. Did I disturb you at



1 Coins 1 Pearls

her coat.

“Lysander, this lady says

the cutlery and also

a patient of

politely, addressing the elders, “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Thorne. I’m

Lysander so late at night. Is there something urgent? Come in and talk. cold

discuss with Dr. Thorne, but I won’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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