Chapter 291 Hold Up My Visa

“No, no, that was my own stupid idea. My parents have already scolded me,” Lysanne said, burying her head low. “But I know that right now, you’re in love with Dr. Thorne. My parents said they watched you

since childhood. They know your temperament, and letting you suffer such a big loss for up nothing must make you uncomfortable. Since that’s the case, why not find a way to make you happier…”


Although Lysanne didn’t express herself too clearly, everyone present was smart.

Who couldn’t understand her implied meaning?

If Josiah rejected the stand-in actress and drove her away, then why not go directly to the real person?

By helping Josiah pursue Lysander again, as long as he got what he wanted, Lysanne’s situation would also improve.

Even if Lysanne’s parents left this world someday, although Josiah didn’t like Lysanne, he would still take care of her a bit more, considering she had once helped him.

Being an only daughter, but losing the ability to conceive, she was deemed undesirable by the higher echelons of Harborbrook. She feared marrying a man of lesser status, afraid of encountering manipulative schemers like Harry.


listening, Adrian couldn’t help but sigh. “Parental love is truly

felt aggrieved. “I understand now. I’ve done many wrong things before. I’ve wronged Josiah and Dr. Thorne. All the blame is on me. Now I just hope you can reconcile, so

deeply moved by your parents’ far-sightedness, but ultimately, this matter depends on Lysander’s own thoughts. She may not necessarily

I know you also like Dr. Thorne, but Dr. Thorne hasn’t accepted you either, right? You and Josiah are still in a fair competition.

series of dialogues made Lysander’s

thoroughly in such a short

don’t you

“To be honest, I don’t

understandable that you don’t believe me, after all,-I did hurt you before. But wait and see, I’ll prove it with actions. I’m not the

Balance: 3519+ 620

1 Coins= 1 Pearls

to prove anything to me. I won’t be around to

“What do you mean?”

whether I’ll stay abroad or return home after three years. But in our medical profession, if the research topic is abroad, the chances of staying there are very high. So, whatever happens here

me anymore.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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