Chapter 295 The Life Of An Ordinary Person

“Is that what Mdm. Camila said?”

“She didn’t say it outright, but she was apologizing to Mom and Dad in a roundabout way. She was quite humble. But don’t worry, they are taking it well. They see it as a missed opportunity but not entirely a bad thing. They chalk it up to fate.”

Lysander nodded. “Yeah, that’s true. How have Mom and Dad been these past few days?”

“They’ve lamented a bit, but they seem okay. Mom is genuinely a bit sad, but she understands that it’s about Zachary’s future. She can’t say much about it. Dad seems fine, enjoying watching the Olympics. every day.”

“That’s a relief. I’m not home, and you’ve grown up now. Take good care of Mom and Dad, help them

with chores.”

“I know, Lysander,” Michelle obediently agreed. “Oh, by the way, you don’t need to come back this weekend to help me with my university applications. Zachary already helped me with them.”

“He went to our house?”

“No, he probably felt guilty toward our family. He didn’t come over, but he called me to his place and helped me fill out the applications there.”

you apply to a science and engineering university? What

tough for girls to find jobs in engineering, regardless of the major. So, he chose materials science for me, saying that

you like this

dislike it. Lysander, I just want to graduate and earn a

couldn’t help but smile. “At your age, don’t you want to

like us, finding a job is the top priority. Chasing dreams is a luxury for the

mixed feelings. “You’ve grown up so much over this

same, haha. Anyway, my anime

Lysander felt a

handled things well after getting the benefit, and the families hadn’t fallen

helned with Michelle’s univercitu annlications Whether out

Balance: 3519 +535


mecture he ume

Michelle had matured significantly.

a teenage romance had

if this was good

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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