Chapter 314 Could I Be Smarter

“No problem, my salary will increase significantly as I’m an expatriate. If you want to visit during the summer, I can cover the expenses.”

Michelle shook her head vigorously. “No, no, you work hard to earn money. Don’t waste it on me. If miss you, I’ll just video call. It’s the same thing.”

Lysander sighed sincerely. “My little sister has really grown up.”

After they had dinner, Michelle insisted on going back with her.

Her younger sister had always been attached to her, and now, nearing their separation, it became even more intense.

Lysander couldn’t bear it either, so she brought Michelle back to her apartment to stay for a few days.

At night, Michelle lay in the bed beside her, holding her arm. She said softly. “Lysander, he came to see me today.”


“That guy.”

Lysander understood.


it hadn’t been long since then, she had almost

“What did he say?”

a cold laugh, “He said I was too materialistic and wouldn’t accompany him to Apex City to pursue his dreams. He claimed that when


I thought it through. Love isn’t everything in life. I have my loving parents, a caring sister, and good friends. If I left all of you to go to Apex City for love, it would be like gambling. Gambling that he would never change, that he would treat me well forever. But if I lost, I wouldn’t just lose everything. I would also

sister’s head and said softly, “I don’t have-much experience in this area, so I can’t really advise

in a relationship with both Josiah and Zachary. How can you say you have no


was like fast-forwarding through the dating phase



they got busy with their own matters.

for Zachary, it was almost entirely

hadn’t been an indifferent person and hadn’t really fallen in love with him, allowing her to see through his act in time, she would have ended

your age,

regret not having an early romance,

and working are the most important. I feel a bit rueful, but life is about making choices.

who had a passionate relationship but it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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