Chapter 324 Lysanne Arrived

The fire was growing fiercer, causing a rapid increase in the surrounding ‘mperature.

Thick smoke began to billow around, and Lysander quickly started to feel difficulty in breathing.

She mustered all her strength, trying to break free. However, for reasons unknown, the harder she struggled, the tighter the ropes around her hands seemed to bind due to Harry’s mysterious method.

The scorching air was so hot it seared her respiratory tract, causing a fiery sting. Her vision was blurred as the air was filled with a dense white smoke. The smoke was also mixed with a nauseating stench of rotting seafood.

Tears streamed down her face as she choked on the smoke. She wanted to call out for help, but the thick smoke in the air stifled her voice, making it impossible for her to speak.

“Lysander!” It was Daphne’s voice!

“Lysa, where are you?” It was Howard.

They had arrived!

Immediately, tears began to pour down Lysander’s face. She struggled to move to the cabin door and forcefully rammed into it. The impact caused the boat to rock violently, and she hoped that would draw their attention.

here. How are we supposed to find her?” Howard’s voice was filled with urgency, a hint of

did you not make the payment at all? Why hasn’t Harry sent over Lysander’s location

was brief, just two words.

sc*mbag!” Howard’s voice was already choked with

worry. Josiah has already called the fire department. They’ll be here soon. Dr. Thorne will be

taken aback when she heard that voice. It’s Lysanne? Isn’t she at the hospital?

is she here?

hasn’t the fire department arrived

and frosty. “I can’t wait any longer.

called out. “I’m coming with

“Don’t cauch trouble”

Balance: 3393 +

| Coins

1 Pearls

than you for Dr. Thorne to be

Josiah didn’t reply.

join the search too. I’ll begin from the far left. Josiah, you start from the far right. As for Ms. Thorne… You start from the middle and expand outward. If you can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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