Chapter 332 Leaving The Country

In the days that followed, Daphne was constantly by llysander’s side in the hospital, barely leaving her for a moment. “Come on, try this. I asked my housekeeper to prepa e this chicken

soup. The pasta is cooked until it’s soft. You can’t just survive on glucose solution. You: eed to cat something.”

Lysander was very obedient, dutifully opening the lunch box and leisurely eating.

On the wall of the ward was a television broadcasting the news. “The cause of the fire at the seaside dock two days ago has been discovered. It was intentionally set by someone who was unable to repay a substantial debt, suggesting a certain degree of vengeance. The investigation into this case is ongoing…”

As Daphne was peeling an apple for Lysander, she commented, “The news is quite intriguing. They’ve thoroughly investigated the case and its reasons, but they didn’t mention a word about how the suspect was dealt with.”

Lysander was leisurely eating her meal, unable to utter a word. With a spoon in her hand, she found it difficult to type.

Daphne didn’t seem to care. She glanced around, lowering her voice to a whisper. “Josiah has kept the information tightly under wraps. Even my dad couldn’t find out where Harry is now.”

for a moment. Didn’t Josiah mention something

said that cars are coming and going as usual

rry somew

her lips, continuing with her meal. I’d be easy for Josiah to hide Harry Daphne kept insisting on burning Harry alive. Could Josiah have taken him to some sort of crematori something?

a finger on yo basically bearding the lion in his den. Josiah won’t

are you today?”

Lysander gave a nod.

floor of the cabin was damp, and in the icy

the water essentially saved her from any burn injuries when the fire broke

appeared to be more

of it all,” Daphne stated. “Whenever you feel up to



procedures for Lysander

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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