Chapter 337 Worried You Might Fall Ill

It seemed as though Adrian understood her intentions. “You’ve figured it out?” he asked softly.

She nodded.

“Technically speaking, this house isn’t really mine. The owners are an elderly couple from around here. who emigrated to Archulea. I’ve just been leasing it long-term.”

Lysander typed: I can pay the rent.

After some thought, Adrian didn’t reject the idea. “Let’s discuss this once your work is all sorted out.

There’s no need to rush.”

She had left in haste and indeed, she didn’t have much money on her..

She would have to wait until next month’s paycheck before she had any disposable income in hand.

Lysander typed: I’ll pay up later.

Adrian nodded. “All right. It’s getting late, so you should rest soon. I’ll take my leave now.”

As Adrian turned around, only then did Lysander see a small suitcase placed beside him.

Given the size of this suitcase, it could hardly hold much. Even a slightly thicker piece of clothing

wouldn’t fit.

time. Even though he was wearing a trench coat, it was completely soaked and clinging

bring a change

chuckle, “I didn’t

you leave any

gaze suddenly flickered, as he intensely

was quite considerate. She opted to stay in the guest room after tidying it up, never once venturing into

had lived here before, then it

in the wardrobe of the master

Have you eaten

had a little something to eat

not that

food on the


gritted her teeth and typed: Go take a hot shower and change out of your

of something unusual

sense of surprise, but more so,

clarified by typing: I’m just worried that you might fall

slight chuckle, but his smile carried a hint of melancholy as he said, “I

a little uneasy, Lysander typed: Your health is what matters

nodded. “Right. Thanks

shower and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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