Chapter 339 Let Me Know If You Need Help

“Then pretend you don’t know, and don’t concern yourself with this matter any longer.”

“I can play dumb, but…” Aiden said, “Adrian, hold on a sec, I need to ake this call. I’ll call you back. later.”


After hanging up, Adrian carried on eating his pasta, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings.

Seeing that she didn’t move, he gently urged, “Please cat.”

Lysander waved her hand, indicating that she was not hungry, and it was too late for her to eat.

Adrian said softly. “You suddenly decided to go abroad earlier than planned and deliberately chose not

to get a SIM card. Was it to avoid Josiah?”

Lysander: Yes.

However, given his capabilities. It’s only a matter of time before he finds you.”

Lysander: I’ll think about it when that happens.

intended to

little Josiah could do even if he found

had a business back in his home country, a mother to take care of, and

had seen things clearly this time. All those talks of regret, repentance, and promises of turning over a new leaf were nothing but a farce. From the very beginning, Lysanne had been

just a bit more intense that time and had Josiah arrived a bit later, Lysander would

person stood no chance

ahead of her to gradually win

the very least, they both shared similar-sounding names. In the past, Josiah had treated Lysander as a stand-in for

a goner. No matter how capable Josiah was, he couldn’t bring her back from the

greatly admired Lysanne’s tactics. Her strategy of feigning weakness to gain

Daphne was deceived by


attention. That way, Lysander could

he bothers you again and you need

Lysander remained silent.

for over twenty years, and I’ve managed to build a network of friends and contacts. If you

words been spoken the phone

the call connected, Aiden’s voice, sounding as if he was on the verge of tears, came through. “Adrian, Josiah is already

“Has he found out?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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