Chapter 355 Stop Pretending

“Ms. Lysanne.”

Lysanne turned around, a mix of surprise and joy on her face. “Oh, Dr. Thorne, it’s you! You’re in Stounia now?”

Lysander slowly nodded.

Wow, she has some serious acting skills. I wonder which legendary person she learned from to have bestowed her such skills.

“Yeah.” Lysander chuckled lightly, “I came over here to work.”

“That’s great! Congratulations, Dr. Thorne! You’re so talented. I’m certain you have a boundless future


Lysander said indifferently, “Thank you.”

The wife was taken aback. “Darling, you know this doctor?”

Lysanne appeared somewhat embarrassed as she said, “You could say we’re acquainted. When I first returned to the country, I was involved in a car accident, neither too serious nor too minor, and it was this doctor who saved me. Dr. Thorne is highly skilled and very responsible, with an excellent reputation.”

The wife was instantly overjoyed. “It seems fate has brought us together!”

She then turned to her husband, “I don’t care how you do it, but I want Dr. Thome to take care of me. You go and discuss it with the hospital.”

husband nodded resignedly. “All right, I’ll go talk to

that, he turned and left the ward,

young wife had become quite friendly toward Lysander. She not only invited her to sit but also offered her some snacks she had brought back

and handed them to her. “Dr. Thorne, these aren’t


foods aren’t exactly healthy. As a doctor, she might be more mindful of that.”

and said, “Then I’ll ask my parents to send some

offer. If there’s nothing else, I’ll head

4522 + 1647

1 Pearts


1 Coin:



355 Stop Pretending

brows and

breath, Lysanne asked, “Did Josiah also come to

“I don’t know,”

“He must have.”

telling your best friend that he came

go looking

bother to

any idea how much he set aside? The entire company’s affairs are being

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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