Chapter 358 Let Me Tell You

“I’ve already seen what you wanted me to see, but I’m an obstetrician. I’m not really good at handling external wounds.”

Josiah snorted. “I saw how well you handled things at Adrian’s house that day.”

“Think what you will. I’m leaving now.”

“Stop.” Josiah held her back. “Is it enough if I just stop talking? You are busier than a president right now; seeing you has truly become a challenge.”

A nurse nearby, observing their intertwined hands, teasingly asked, “Sir, is this your girlfriend?”

“Josiah gave a shake of his head, uttering a single word, “Wife.”

“Josiah,” Lysander voiced, displeased.

“All right,” he gave in, “let’s drop this topic. You wanted to know about Harry’s whereabouts, didn’t you? I’ll tell you.”

Lysander quietly waited for his next words.

“I truly have no idea where he is.”

Lysander pulled out her hand, intending to leave.

“Hey, don’t rush off just yet. Let me finish…” Josiah insisted, refusing to let go. As a result, he agitated the wound on his arm, causing him to wince in pain.

The nurse exclaimed from the side, “Please don’t move around, sir!”

the grip on her wrist lessening. Lysander closed her eyes, resigned, and said, “Playing the victim, Josiah? That’s not your style, is it?”

long as it serves a purpose, then it’s a good style.” Josiah gently pinched her wrist. “Sit down and let me explain it to

only sit

to end him. However, I’m not that foolish. Even if I had the ability to

Lysander asked, “And?”


What lesson?”

coldly. “Doesn’t he have a penchant for using women to climb the social ladder? Well, I’ll just find

instantly furrowed. “Find


3 Jun

Me Tell You

more of them,” he

sharp breath. “So, is he… okay?”


couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not sure. I have my own tasks to attend to; I can’t

he… over two

you blushing?”

and retorted, “I’m

all the way

“I’m not!”

see it.”

to continue or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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