Chapter 360 Visiting The Gynecologist.

“Haven’t finished talking?”

Suddenly, Josiah spoke from behind her. Startled, Lysander asked, “Is there something you need?” she


“No.” said Josiah. “I hadn’t seen you around, so I came out to look for you.”

Lysander said. “I’m currently working at this hospital. There’s no way I can get lost.”


gaze continually drifting toward her phone screen. “Is it Daphne?” he

from her? Should

anything from her. You can carry

Daphne’s voice came through the receiver. “Is that Josiah? Are

a moment of contemplation, Lysander said, “I’m working at the hospital, and he’s here for


Amalgamated Nations and have him taken to a laboratory for dissection. Who

help but smirk. “Enough with the

couple of days. What would you like to eat? I can send

here, so we should be able to

in the country right now.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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