Chapter 379 His Business

“Perhaps the person who could truly captivate my heart hasn’t appeared yet.”

“Have you truly never had your heart moved, not even once?”

Lysander paused briefly, then nodded. “There was one time.”



“I forgot.”

Josiah said, “If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine.”

“All right.”

Rina and Paulo’s wedding was carried out successfully.

Despite some minor unpleasant incidents, the party afterward was said to be quite lively and exciting.

However, all these were things Rina told her a few days later.

indeed a peculiar character. Even though it was her own

animal inside the cage, truly at a loss for Rina’s

it anymore. I’m also not comfortable entrusting it to just anyone, so I’ve plucked up the courage to ask you could possibly take it in.”


asked, “Does your family object to you keeping it? During pregnancy, as long as you ensure the pet isn’t


just feel like I don’t have enough energy. After getting pregnant, I’ve been dealing with morning sickness and overall discomfort. This is a real, living little life, and I’m struggling to take care of myself, let alone


girl who could occupy Adrian’s thoughts for

at a loss

outside, so I need to go. I’m leaving it in your hands

the house with the little white dog in the cage. They looked at each other, each seemingly lost in



adjusting to her new hospital and position. She was also in the process of house hunting and gradually packing

hand as a sign of affection, then promptly began to mark its territory around the living room, quickly spreading its scent in preparation

the companionship of this little one, Lysander found life to be

get upset. Instead, it

little head. “What a simp.”

talking about

notice. Lysander, holding the puppy, stood up and said, “I was talking about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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