Chapter 388 All That Matters


Lysander furrowed her brows for a moment but decided not to dwell on it after a few seconds.

“Whether you knew or not, it doesn’t really matter now, does it? Your affection for Lysander can’t possibly be because your parents arranged your marriage when you were children, right? You never struck me as someone who would just obediently follow your family’s arrangements.”

Josiah asked, “So, what kind of person do you think I am?”

“May I ask you something first?”

“Go ahead.”

There’s hardly any resemblance between Lysander and me, from looks to personality. You’ve loved her for so many years. It doesn’t make sense for your taste to change so suddenly, does it?”

Josiah curled his lips into a faint smile. “Who knows? There’s no logic in liking someone.”

“Was it due to the unwillingness to accept, or was it because of the lost child?”

“Neither.” Josiah paused briefly before asking, “Can’t you recall anything before you went missing?”

“Occasionally, I could recall some fragments, but they were all very scattered. Over the past few years, I’ve hardly been able to remember even those fragments.

Josiah nodded slightly. “If you can’t remember, then let it be. Don’t dwell on it. Focusing on the present is what matters the most.”

“You don’t have to go out of your way to sound so gentle. I’ve said it before, my relationship with my biological mother isn’t that deep yet. I do worry about her, but it’s not to the point of despair where I need. someone to comfort me.”

Why don’t you lie down and take a nap? If Mrs.

time is it now?”

his arm toward her, allowing her to check the time on

so late.”


about you? Are you going to stay up all night to keep an


best if you don’t stay here either. You

then, Lysander’s phone rang. It was Daphne calling-


4522 + 817

1 Coin!

1 Pearls

Mon, 3 Jun



All That Matters

over there? I hope

you’re not. Go ahead and speak.”


to let you know that my grandma is out of danger now. I can come to Stounia

the hospital and get on the

be necessary.

Josiah isn’t around right now, I can’t just leave you there alone, can I?

in the country,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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