Chapter 394 Bringing Up The Very Issue

“What did he say?”

“He’s on his way here. You stayed up all night yesterday, so he wanted to come and let you rest.”

Lysander took a deep breath and slowly nodded.

Josiah glanced at his watah. “Mr. Thorne should be arriving soon.”

After a short wait, Howard arrived, looking weary from his journey.

Upon seeing his wife awake on the hospital bed, Howard was overcome with emotion, his voice choked with tears. “Look at you. What’s the rush? This is a big deal. Our daughter needs time to process it all. You scared me to death.”

Tears began to well up again in Molly’s eyes, which had just dried. Yet her smile was relaxed and composed.

Howard was holding two lunch boxes in his hands. He placed one on the counter and handed the other to Lysander. “Lysa, last time we had a meal together, I noticed that you enjoyed tofu. So, I made several different tofu dishes, along with some fresh vegetables, Would you like to give them a try?”

Molly was also fervently watching her.

“Mr. Thorne, give it to me,” requested Josiah as he took it. “I’ll hold it for her first.”

unchanged, He could only manage a smile toward Josiah, handing him the lunch box. “I’ve prepared enough for two. It


must be tired after staying up all night. Go home and rest. And don’t forget

a nod. “All right.”

“Mr. Thorne, we’ll

“Go ahead.”

the hospital by Josiah, and they walked all the way to the

held a lunch box in one hand while he used the other to open the

glanced back at the hospital’s entrance, sighed, and finally

closed, Josiah swiftly made his way to the other side. He first placed the box of food in the backseat before settling himself

Mon, 3



394 Bringing Up The Very


are you taking

take you

“Which home?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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