Chapter 400 Are You Leaving

“Okay, thank you.”

“I’ll be waiting for your return, alongside White Coat.”

After hanging up the call, that person just happened to walk past.

Carol was always impeccably made up and dressed in a sharp and professional manner. However, the morning mist in the mountains had given her a slight dewy sheen.

“Mrs. Guerra.”

Lysander responded, “I haven’t been that for a long time now.”

“Apologies, Dr. Thorne. I was in such a rush that it slipped my mind.”

Lysander nodded. “Are you here to see Josiah?”

Carol nodded. “Yes.”

She glanced past Carol, spotting a young man behind her. He had an air of refined sophistication about him as if he was well–read and scholarly.

Noticing her gaze, Carol took the initiative to explain, “That is Dr. Cody. I’m taking him to meet with Mr.. Guerra.

fall ill?”

was somewhat taken aback.

should I have known?”

delirious by the time he disembarked the plane from Stounia. Upon waking up, he hastily attended to his wounds before rushing to Mrs. Thorne’s ICU. I had intended to bring Dr. Cody over last night to help treat his injuries, but Mr. Guerra said you

Ms. Collins…”

from the elevator.

only in the hotel’s bathrobe. When he saw Lysander,

responded, “I want to go to the hospital for

my clothes and then take you

headed toward the


400 Are You

still wear your clothes?”

Josiah paused.

pursed her lips. “Let’s return to

turned to Carol and said, “Let’s

returning to Josiah’s room, Carol asked Cody to wait

eyes landed on the man’s shirt casually draped over the back of

now marred with large, blotchy stains at

perhaps even the brown of an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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