Chapter 402 You Have Apologized Countless Times

Lysander didn’t respond.

ther stance, Josiali did not cut speaking

“Thank you for today”

“You’re welcome. Based an the hospital’s rates, the cost for such a large–scale wound cleaning and dressing would be one hundred and fifty.”

Josiale’s brow slightly relaxed. “That’s pretty cheap!

“I won’t charge you extra.”

“Thought it was cheaper for a nurse. You are, after all, a chief doctor. Isn’t a specialist’s appointment more expensive than a regular one?”

Lysander took a deep breath and said, “Firstly, the hospital charges for dressing and cleaning wounds are based on the number of times, not on whether the service is provided by a specialist or a regular nurse. Secondly, I am a gynecologist, not a burn specialist. The titles of the two departments cannot be compared.”

Josiah gave a subtle nod and pulled out his phone. “Can I do a transfer?”


Josiah quickly transferred the money. “Done.”

Lysander glanced at her phone.

Josiah gazed at her profile. Perhaps due to the recent events, she had lost a considerable amount of weight. Shadows of fatigue lingered under her eyes, indicating she hadn’t been getting enough rest

“Lysander, don’t go to the hospital today. I’ll get-

Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

The screen thousand.

received a transfer of

for the resort. It’s off–peak season now, so this suite costs eight thousand a night. I don’t have a keycard, so I can’t go to the front desk to pay. Anyway, you’re the boss transfer it to

stiffened. He then

same if I

medical fee earlier, he had found it odd. Given Lysander’s character, it was unlike her to

some sort of connection with her was

expect Lysander’s plan from the very beginning to settle accounts between

had been transferred.

sure how much the meal from the hotel costs, But considering the caliber of the hotel, it’s likely not cheap. I transferred you five hundred, and if it’s

the corner of his lips.

the transportation expenses for the past couple of days? Does it seem a

do this?”


chance? Zachary deceived you and even used you, yet you can still speak


quietly looked at him. “You’ve misunderstood.”

you’re also cold to Zachary? And what about Adrian?” Josiah felt a bit frustrated when it came

I mean is, I tend to be cold toward anyone I don’t want to get too

chuckled. “Is

we even managed to hold a conversation, purely out of respect for our elders.

can consider everyone else; you helped Priscilla get through her divorce, and you pulled Daphne back from the brink of suicide, but why not me? Lysander, I know I made a mistake, and I want to change. I just hope for a chance to properly apologize to you. Is that too much

gaze to him. “You’ve apologized

but you still haven’t

marrying Lysanne, I would still be happy for

“Lysander, don’t talk out of

shook her head. “I’m not just talking out of anger; I’m serious. I’ve thought about it. You grew up together with her.

her initially was because

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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