Chapter 408 A Favor

Daphne had been best friends with Lysander for two decades. Thus, upon hearing those words, Daphne actually found herself calming down.

The look in Priscilla’s eyes flickered as she said, “Actually, this isn’t too bad.”

Lysander smiled, and Priscilla bashfully stuck out her tongue. “I’m just talking nonsense, Lysander.”

“No, you’re right,” affirmed Lysander.

Daphne stroked her chin, lost in thought for a moment. “Lysander, has Josiah really given up pursuing you for so long?”


Lysander gazed at the distant silhouette of a man and a woman standing side by side and nodded slightly. “From the looks of it, it should be.”

“You’ve been ruthless with your words before, so why did he suddenly give up this time?”

Actually, Lysander hadn’t completely figured out why that was.

However, it didn’t really matter to her. Men and women were entirely different creatures, and she couldn’t be bothered to delve into his mental processes any further.

However, what Priscilla said was indeed quite true and Lysander thought perhaps that ending was for the


too well.

From the moment she resolved to terminate her pregnancy, she understood it all too

The outcome of her relationship with Josiah had already been determined.

As for who Josiah ended up with afterward, that was no longer something she needed to worry about.

From Josiah’s perspective, the past was unchangeable, and his childhood friend had already turned back. His choice to be with Lysanne was simply a natural human response.

Daphne patted Lysander on the shoulder. “Would you like to come over for dinner at my place tonight? My dad heard you’re back, and he’d like to meet you.”

“He wants to meet me?” asked Lysander.


it because of that

“Perhaps my father still

shook her head. “It’s not that I don’t want to go. Michelle is coming home tonight, and

family along? Your parents know me anyway. Consider it as a welcome

Lysander called


Mon, 3 Jun

408 A Favor

over the shift, Lysander had a word with

eyes, but his words were somewhat humble. “That’s good. Since you’re back from Stounia, you should spend more time with them. This meal sounds lovely. Once your mother’s health improves, we’ll host a welcome home party for

a noncommittal smile, “Sure, we’ll see if we have the time, and

up Maverick

as well,

the rearview mirror, Lysander chuckled lightly. “So,


said that once I’m in university, things will get easier, yet I feel even more exhausted than

asked, “Has Zachary contacted

did, but not frequently, as his job seemed to keep him

“All right.”

the way, Zachary was

“About what?”

if you’ve been busy with work. I mentioned that you went to Stounia,

there anything



with work right

was always him who chatted with

breathed a small sigh

Lysander and Josiah. After all, his work

receiver and asked Lysander, “My dad wants to know if

said, “Either is


A Favor

up ahead, but if you want

“Aren’t we

suggested eating at home, but my dad mentioned that my grandma isn’t doing too well. He was worried that it might spoil


nodded, showing she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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