Chapter 420 Leave Me Alone

“That’s not what I meant.” Lysander tried to explain.

“Who were you trying to impress with that fearless, ready–to–sacrifice–yourself act you just pulled?”

“I’m sorry.”

Josiah chuckled. “Lysander, if you don’t love me, then just leave me alone. Like you said, let’s act like strangers. I won’t bother you anymore, and we’ll both go our separate ways.”

They parted on bad terms.

On her way back, Lysander sat in the taxi, exhausted like never before.

Josiah used her own words against her, silencing her. Although he may have said that out of spite, his words still made sense.

She was the one who said they should become strangers, and now, she was also the one who took the initiative to seek him out.

Closing her eyes in thought, she called Michelle.

As soon as the call connected, Michelle spoke in a somewhat anxious tone. “Lysander, Mom took a bus back to her hometown this morning!”

Lysander rubbed her temples, irritated. “Didn’t I ask you to talk to her?

“I tried to, but Dad and Mom didn’t want to burden you. They decided to gather some money on their own, borrowing as much as they could.”

“All right, I understand.” Lysander then asked, “Has Zachary contacted you?”

“How did you know I just got off the phone with him?”

Lysander grew anxious. “What did he say to you?”

“Don’t worry, it’s not about the part–time job. He said he’s recently on his annual leave and has some free time. Coincidentally, a new ski resort just opened in the outskirts. He asked me if I wanted to go skiing.”

“And you….

Michelle replied, “I turned him down. I’m aware that we’re going through a tough time at home recently. How could I possibly go out and have fun when you, Mom, and Dad are all working hard to solve the crisis? I declined his invitation, and, he’s very understanding. He even invited me and Dad to have dinner at his place tonight. It’s perfect timing since Mom isn’t home, and neither Dad nor I are particularly good. at cooking. We’ll get to enjoy Mdm. Camila’s cooking-

“Mich, didn’t you say you wanted to have Epean cuisine?” Lysander interrupted her.

taken aback by the sudden question.

dad treated


420 Leave Me

we’ve always been having Ecronian cuisine, we could give Epean cuisine a try. After all,

there to pick you up. Let’s go out for dinner

we’re supposed to be saving money

a lot by skimping on one meal. I’ll probably be home in about twenty minutes. Wait for me

“Oh, okay.”

up to the entrance of the residential area, where Maverick and Michelle

to the driver, then beckoned her father

puzzled. “Lysa, why are we suddenly dining out? Epean cuisine is rather expensive.

reassured, “Zachary has been too busy to spend time with Mdm. Camila lately. Let’s allow

Zach has indeed been swamped with work recently. He hasn’t been home a lot. Camila really missed her son.”


reason successfully persuaded Maverick.,

objections. Ever since that night at Skywatch, she had learned her lesson

going to eat?” she

wasn’t particularly fond of Epean cuisine. She had searched for a few restaurants on a popular review site, but

Daphne was

a few restaurants, asking her to pick

message, Daphne’s call came

and Daphne’s voice sounded downcast.

worry. “What’s going on?

dad is there with her. I came

you all

sniffled and chuckled bitterly. “You might have to

3 Jun

420 Leave Me Alone

do you

the bank, so

Rufus treated her family

their conversation, and they didn’t continue discussing that topic.

sure about that? Is there still a



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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