Chapter 428 Is She Also Your Woman

“I’ve already told you, please stop pestering Zachary so much,” Lysander chided her sister.

“But Zachary himself mentioned that he had some free time today and had to run a few errands in that part of town anyway. It actually works out perfectly, being right on his way,” Michelle countered.

Lysander’s response was tinged with urgency. “I’ve repeatedly told you not to get involved with him….. Michelle, can you please just listen to me?”

“Did things end that badly with Zachary? Why do you seem so eager to avoid him?”

“Just stop questioning me.” Lysander insisted. “Do what you’re told, okay? I’m going to pick up Mom this afternoon. Stay at home and behave yourself, all right?”

“All right, I get it.”

It was only after she had ended the call that Zachary let out a chuckle. “Are you really that frightened of


Lysander did not offer him a welcoming look. “If you’ve finished what you had to say, then please leave.”

“I’m on my way out, but you might want to consider trying a little harder. After all, Josiah is a man who once had genuine feelings for you. If things get desperate… you might have to make some sacrifices. You know, with most men, as long as their physical needs are met, all other matters can usually be negotiated…”

Lysander glared at him furiously. “You must really have been born the wrong gender. If you were a woman, I imagine you’d be using your body to barter for all kinds of favors.”

“You should count yourself fortunate,” he retorted. “If Josiah wasn’t straight, I might actually find him quite appealing.”

Lysander responded with scorn, “Well then, I wish you bright future.”

With a dismissive gesture, she turned her back, neatly sidestepped him, and strode away with determination.

Zachary’s voice followed her retreat, resonating through the air, “I’ll be eagerly awaiting your good news.”

Later that afternoon, Lysander caught a taxi and journeyed to the bus station to collect her mother, Laura.

When Laura appeared, it was evident she was far from fine; the redness in her eyes was a silent testament to tears recently shed, likely a result of her less–than–ideal visit back to her hometown.

Laura confessed, “Your eldest uncle is planning on constructing a home but finds himself short of the necessary funds; your second uncle’s daughter is preparing for marriage, needing a sizable dowry, leaving him strapped for cash too. And your aunt, she’s not faring well either, so I found it too difficult to broach the subject with her.”

Embracing her mother warmly, Lysander consoled her, “Let’s not lose heart, we’ll tackle these issue’s one at a time. We still have a few days left; I’ll figure something out.”

the way, Lysa, you’re close to Daphne, aren’t you? Maybe you could inquire if


Mon, 3

Is She Also Your

Everharts were not

take you home first,” Lysander reassured her, feeling the weight of the numerous complications that seemed to converge upon

home and sternly advising them against contacting Zachary, Lysander

true–being marked by someone of his character was a recipe for ceaseless trouble. Zachary had made it clear he was not

was met with

he gone shopping with his new

contact details, Lysander had no option but

was distinctly chaotic; the faint sound of billiard balls clashing was audible in the

like you’re at a billiard lounge?” Lysander guessed.

interest in pool. He was here just

out with the

Zane exhaled sharply.

“What’s wrong?

he replied cryptically, “You’ll see what

surmised the

somewhat prepared, Lysander was still surprised upon her arrival at the billiard

female college student. This time, however, the scene was quite different–all the

seen with Josiah in Skywatch under the

survey the table, Lysander noted his right

were deep in conversation, surrounded


exactly is happening here!

appearing, whispered, “Lysander! You got here quickly;



is She

perplexed by the scene, questioned, “These

fingers through his hair, his expression perplexed. “I’m not sure what Josiah’s plan is, but it seems these women aren’t bothered by each other’s presence. It’s not

about Tiffany and Lysanne? Do they not mind?” Lysander

can Lysanne do? She just has to put up with whatever Josiah decides. As for Tiffany…” He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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