Chapter 431 A New Neighbor

The hallway was alive with the hustle and bustle of people milling about. Contrary to what one might expect at such an early hour, these individuals were not clad in the typical attire of a moving company but were instead employees from the property management office. The door of the adjacent apartment stood. conspicuously open, facilitating the transportation of items inside.

Surprisingly, someone was relocating at the unheard hour of three in the morning.

Once Lysander ascertained that there was no danger associated with the newcomers, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. Deciding to dismiss the disturbances, she proceeded to the bathroom to indulge in a relaxing bath and prepare herself for bed.

The next morning, Lysander was abruptly awakened from her slumber by the persistent ringing of her doorbell.

Still groggy from sleep, she shuffled into her loungewear and approached the door, querying cautiously. “Who is it?”

Adrian’s familiar voice responded from the other side. “It’s me.”

Instantly, Lysander snapped to full alertness, though she hesitated to open the door further, instead reminiscing about the prior evening’s events. Observing the assortment of packages Adrian was balancing. she inquired with a mixture of curiosity and caution, “Dr. Sutton? What brings you here at this hour?”

The bags, prominently displaying the logo of a local supermarket and packed to the brim, indicated at substantial purchase had been made.


Adrian responded with a gentle tone, “Did I interrupt your rest?”

Only then did Lysander glance at the clock, noting with a slight blush that it was almost noon, She replied, somewhat apologetically, “No, it’s just that your visit was unexpected.”

She wa

was still grappling with how to discourage Adrian’s evident affection for her.

Adrian offered a comforting smile and explained, “I had a free day today and remembered you hadn’t caten much last night. So, I thought it might be helpful to pick up some essentials for you from the supermarket. I’ve brought various ingredients and some ready–to–cook meals; they’re quite straightforward to prepare and will keep well in the fridge.”

Lysander acknowledged his thoughtfulness with a nod, responding, “Thank you, you’ve really considered everything; it’s just that…”

She was midway through articulating her reservations when White Coat, having been dozing on the cushion, bounded over to Adrian with familiar enthusiasm, clearly delighted by his presence.

The puppy, still quite diminutive in size, stretched up on its hind legs, barely reaching a person’s knees even at full stretch.

bags, he could not scoop it up immediately. Instead, he carefully

snuggled into his hand.



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431 A

him and the dog melted her

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Adrian explained, “I couldn’t bring everything back from before, so this time I included some dog food, chew sticks, the medicine it

of these items, White Coat’s bright eyes immediately shifted to the

goodwill, Lysander reluctantly stepped back, inviting him in with a

slippers and proceeded to unload the groceries into the kitchen, filling the nearly empty refrigerator to half


intervene, “Dr. Sutton, what are you

still a puppy. I spoke with the vet last night, and they suggested its upset stomach might be from its current dog

off guard and unable to refuse, Lysander consented, “You


wash her clothes the previous evening due to unexpected events and now took the opportunity to handle her laundry while also brushing her

eggs, and sandwiches, Adrian had prepared several beautifully arranged appetizers.

Adrian explained, “Since I was already cooking for White Coat and had some time, I thought I’d make us breakfast too. I wasn’t sure of your preference, so I included both Epean and Ecronian

spread was clearly not the work of

mixture of chicken, carrots, and its usual dog food.

on the table, Adrian removed his apron and inquired, noticing Lysander’s hesitation. “What’s wrong?

her head as she finally seated herself.

day was no exception. He looked concerned as he asked. “Why aren’t you

a rueful smile, Lysander struggled to articulate her feelings without causing hurt, “Dr. Sutton, please don’t go

mood at the dining table

subdued than before. He nodded in acceptance.

blow, Lysander suggested, “Loty

cat first.


A New Neighbor


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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