Chapter 433 The Dog Is Not So Bad

Adrian, showing no signs of distress, candidly acknowledged, “In the past, I wasn’t really skilled in the kitchen or much of a homemaker. However, I’m prepared to change if that’s what the woman I love needs. In a lasting relationship, sometimes one person has to be willing to compromise a little more than the


Josiah’s voice carried an ambiguous tone, making it difficult to discern whether he was being genuine or merely mocking. “From what I’ve heard, it sounds like you’re almost there in securing your title. I suppose congratulations might be in order.”

Adrian responded with a measured tone, “It seems there’s still quite a bit of distance to cover, but I’m dedicated to continuing my efforts.”

Lysander felt a quiver in her heart, her lips parting several times as if to speak, yet she found herself unable to voice a single word. Given that Adrian’s intentions were as transparent as glass, she realized there was no need to repeat the prepared speech she had thought to persuade him to

step back.

Adrian observed her reaction, his eyes shadowed by a touch of sadness. He slowly withdrew his hand, feigning indifference as he remarked, “As you can see, everything is quite clear between us. I’ve explained all that needed to be explained. I’ve said everything I had to say. I’ll leave you two to your conversation. I think I’ll go for a walk downstairs with White Coat.”

He pulled a newly purchased puppy leash from the shopping bag he had brought along. With a practiced. gesture, he secured the harness around the puppy and prepared to leave. As he walked out, he didn’t forget to leave a parting word, “Continue with your discussion; call me if you need anything.”

Josiah chuckled lightly. “Don’t worry, Dr. Sutton, I’ve got a girlfriend.”

Adrian simply smiled at Lysander, saying, “I’m off.”

With a gentle click of the door shutting, Josiah and Lysander were left alone in the expansive room, facing each other across the silent space.

After Adrian’s departure, an extended silence enveloped the room. Josiah seemed to disregard her presenc

Finishing his sandwich, he then proceeded to serve himself a bowl of oatmeal, concentrating. solely on his meal, showing no inclination to engage in further dialogue.

Yet, he was now sitting precisely where she had been, even using the utensils she had just used.

“Josiah,” Lysander called out to him.

man did not

of utensils…”

I’ll take them away and dispose of them. Doesn’t Dr. Sutton enjoy trips to the supermarket? It’s a fine opportunity

not what I

bothered to decipher what


Dog Is Not So Bad.


before deciding to remain silent. Knowing Josiah’s penchant

place here because you’re

automatic and noncommittal,

was as good

“Oh, I see.”

don’t have to speak if you’ve got nothing

thought your move here was quite unexpected,” Lysander

think I did this

think of it that

Tiffany before.”

“I did.”

too drunk to notice the details then. I just found out myself that he rented the place right next

“How long are you planning to stay here? If you never go back, Madam Susan

sneer, Josiah responded without looking up.

against his evident indifference. She picked up another clean bowl from the table and began to eat

and she had eaten their fill, a considerable amount of

quietly rose and began to tidy up.

elsewhere, his gaze fixed on the floor of the room, occasionally drifting towards a corner near the kitchen where supermarket


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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