Chapter 440 We Are All Clever Individuals

His voice wasn’t loud. In fact, it wasn’t enough for Adrian on the other end of the phone to hear.

Caught between the two of them, Lysander couldn’t help but feel a wave of annoyance. She had already encountered enough trouble recently and neither had the time nor the inclination to waste energy on such trivial matters.

While on the phone, Adrian sensed her silence and took the initiative to ask, “Did you go to see Josiah again?”

“No, it was a chance encounter.”

“It seemed like he harbors quite a grudge against me.”

“Dr. Sutton, what are your plans for the future? Are you going back to Stounia, or do you plan on working here?”

“Why are you suddenly asking this?”

Lysander said, “Anesthesiologists are in high demand, both domestically and internationally. I just think that if you could continue your medical career, no matter where you are, you would be able to help a lot more patients.”

Adrian’s laugh had a touch of melancholy. “I understand what you mean. I’ll try to call you less in the future.”

Lysander opened her mouth, wanting to deny it, yet she found herself unable to utter words that would contradict her heart.

What she had just said, indeed, conveyed that meaning.

“All right, Lysander. I understand. I’ll give serious thought to what you just told me.”


Lysander put away her phone, ignoring the disgruntled look on Josiah’s face. She turned around and headed toward the hall door, never once looking back.

Daphne had been waiting alone at the dining table for Lysander for quite some time. When she returned, she didn’t question her about why she had been in the restroom for so long. Instead, she simply reported, “Not long after you left, they moved to a different location for photos. I noticed that Josiah seems to favor Tiffany over that pretentious woman now.”

flame, so it is quite normal,” Lysander responded absentmindedly, appearing rather uninterested. She didn’t seem to

mood and asked

nothing really. It’s just that the corridors outside are a

she quickly


440 We Are All

dessert that the waiter had just brought toward her. “Have some sweets to calm your nerves. The view here is quite nice, but the unlit areas


and tasted the panna

meal, it wasn’t too late.

incredibly busy these past few days, so you should head home and rest. Paying back the money is just the

Everhart Corporation was in, momentarily forgetting

expected, Lysander took a cab back to her place, and there, in the

sizes filled with–shopping items. The only difference was that this time, he had also brought along a toolbox.

must have been waiting for her for quite some time now. When the voice–activated light flickered on, his initial reaction

come so late?”

light is broken. It could be a bit risky if you need

come all this way to fix the light

risk if something were to happen, and there’s no one around. Even if you: call for help, it would take

had already reached her doorstep. To forcibly drive him away at this point would

for him, the lights in the living room had just come on. White Coat, which had been lying excitedly on the couch, sprung up and cheerfully

Woof! Woof!

it. Then, it scampered over to Adrian’s feet, excitedly placing

a warm voice, “Good. Play by yourself for a bit. I’ll come back later to take you

any semi–finished products. I’ve chosen all fresh ingredients. That

echoed from the kitchen


Glever individuals

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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