Chapter 447 The Clothes He Left Behind

Lysander hadn’t intended to alarm Adrian, but now that he was here, she couldn’t exactly send him away. With a hint of helplessness, she said, “I’m really okay, you should tell Daphne not to rush over here.”

Adrian quickly pulled out his phone to send a message. “All right, I’ll tell her.”

The policewoman and the policeman shared a glance. Once Adrian had finished his phone call, they turned to Lysander with a smile. “Ms. Thorne, the friend you just mentioned, it’s him, isn’t it?”

Lysander hadn’t expected to cause such a misunderstanding. She was in a bind, unsure whether to explain or to remain silent. She found herself torn, her brows furrowed in distress.

Adrian instinctively protected her, turning to the police officer and saying. “I am indeed her friend. Is there any paperwork that needs to be done? I’ll handle it.”

The police officer couldn’t help but chuckle, teasing, “Ms. Thorne, your friend seems quite concerned about you.”

The corner of Lysander’s mouth twitched slightly. In order not to complicate things, she chose to remain


Upon seeing the situation, the police officer became increasingly certain that he was the one who caused the suspect to be admitted to the emergency room. Despite his refined appearance, which suggested he was not a man to act rashly, the officer adopted a serious expression and cautioned, “Sir, I understand your feelings, but your retaliation was excessively harsh. The hospital just reported that four of his ribs are broken, and he has lost almost all his teeth.”

After all, Adrian was a doctor. Upon hearing about the injury, it seemed as if he had already realized something.

Josiah lived next door.

It was clear as day who had dealt such a heavy blow.

“Excuse me, is that person’s life in danger?”

“Don’t worry, he’s already in surgery at the hospital. He should pull through,” the police officer said, suspecting the man was playing dumb. However, considering the victim’s feelings, he didn’t call him out on it. Instead, he added, “Remember not to be so impulsive next time. Excessive self–defense can also lead to criminal charges. If someone were to die, it wouldn’t be something you could simply settle with compensation.

Gradually, Adrian started to understand. However, he didn’t raise any objections. He simply acknowledged it, saying. “Thank you, I understand now.”

With a soft sigh, Lysander prepared herself to explain everything to him once they left this place.

All the involved people had already arrived, and the police had no intention of wasting any more time on a case that was essentially closed. They simply said, “If there’s nothing else, please sign and go home to rest as soon as possible. If there are any new developments in the case, we’ll be sure to contact you.

At last, Lysander managed to leave the police station.

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23:03 Mon, 3 Jun



447 The Clothes

exactly send him away. With

to send a message.

shared a glance. Once Adrian had finished his phone call, they turned to Lysander with smile. “Ms. Thorne, the friend you just

unsure whether to

police officer and saying, “I am indeed her friend. Is there any paperwork that needs to be done? I’ll

help but ‘chuckle, teasing, “Ms.

mouth twitched slightly. In order not to complicate things, she chose

officer became increasingly certain that he was the one who caused the suspect to be admitted to the emergency room. Despite his refined appearance, which suggested he was not a man to act rashly, the officer adopted a serious expression and cautioned, “Sir, I understand your feelings, but your retaliation was excessively harsh. The hospital just reported that four of his ribs are

was a doctor. Upon hearing about the injury, it seemed

lived next

was clear as day who had dealt such a heavy

is that person’s life

on it. Instead, he added, “Remember not to be so impulsive next time. Excessive self–defense can also lead to criminal charges. If someone were to die, it wouldn’t be something

raise any objections. He simply acknowledged it, saying, “Thank you,

herself to explain everything to him once

that was essentially closed. They simply said, “If there’s nothing else, please sign and go home to rest as soon as possible. If there are any new developments

managed to leave the police station.



The Clothes He Left

me a strict order this time. She said if I didn’t personally ensure you

a very “Daphne” threat.

Apart from her nightgown, Lysander only had Josiah’s leftover coat on her body. It wasn’t exactly a sight of elegance, but she had no choice but to make

he even opened the car door for her. Only after she had comfortably settled in the back seat, did he get into the driver’s seat himself, ready to take her

Adrian driven off with Lysander, than a golden Panamera pulled

the car window, peering ahead with a tinge of regret in her voice. “Jose, it seems we’re

not answer

she was taken aback by the sudden icy stare from Josiah, cutting her

a blank expression. His gaze alone

Instead, she cautiously

However, his voice remained calm when he spoke, hiding any

finished speaking, he promptly turned the car around

a property management office staff member, who was apologizing to her, “Ms. Thorne, we’re

another word. “Thank you,”

She’s had a long day and is a bit worn out. She’d like to rest for now.”

to disturb Lysander further. After leaving a business card with contact information, they quickly took their

careful,” he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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