Chapter 462 You Decided Not To Care

Lysander walked over, feeling slightly puzzled. “Wasn’t he just fine earlier?”

Tiffany’s eyes were red in distress, and her voice was laced with a sob as she said, “I don’t know what happened. He was walking just fine and then suddenly, he couldn’t stand anymore. I couldn’t hold him up… Lysa, you’re a doctor, so please come and take a look!”

“He suddenly fainted?” s


For some reason, Lysander felt that there was something peculiar about this.

Why would a perfectly fine individual suddenly faint?

However, Tiffany didn’t seem to be lying. Her tears were falling incessantly as she pleaded, “I’m begging you, Lysa…

Upon seeing the situation, Adrian first sought to soothe the near–tearful young girl in front of him. “Calm down: where is he?”

“He’s at home…”

“Didn’t you mention that he fainted? Did you drag him back inside?”

“No, that’s not it… He fainted for a brief moment and managed to walk back on his own, but he still seems to be in a lot of pain. Lysa, you should come with me right away!” Tiffany explained.

Despite being a petite girl, Tiffany had surprising strength. She didn’t bother with further explanations as she hauled Lysander out the door.

Adrian also followed, saying, “I’ll go take a look too, the more doctors we have, the more solutions we can find.”

Lysander had never been to the unit next door.

When Tiffany led her in, she realized that the layout of the two units was essentially the same. However, this unit was slightly larger and had a better orientation than hers.

The sunlight streamed in through the expansive floor–to–ceiling windows, and Josiah could be seen reclining on the living room couch.

only dangle over the edge, touching the floor. He was contorted uncomfortably, and his

whether he was shielding them from the sunlight or lading the deep


There was


over, looking pitiful as she crouched in front of the couch. “Jose! Jose! Don’t be



You Decided

before Josiah finally reacted..

As his face came into view, it was clear that he didn’t look

his brows.

her here?

You should let her

weakly. “No


leaning his entire body against the back of the couch. He turned his head away with his eyes closed, yet the look of pain on his face did not lessen. In

“Do you need any assistance,

laugh. “Well, if it isn’t Dr. Thorne and Dr. Sutton. I’m truly

carefully observed his state, momentarily uncertain whether the situation was genuine or a

I’m a doctor. Even if we’ve had our disagreements, in situations like this, we should set aside

compassionate heart of a healer, with your broad–mindedness and grand vision. I’m humbled in comparison,”

he spoke, his voice gradually softened until

help but furrow his brows. “This isn’t the time to be stubborn. If you don’t want our help, that’s fine. I’ll call

when did you and Lysander

and I were operating room partners back at Central Hospital, so why

he said, “Then hurry on back and carry

you two

emotions in check as he said, “Fainting unexpectedly can be a serious matter. If it’s due to low blood sugar, a bit of rest and some sugar should suffice. But if it’s related to the heart of brain, then that could be life–threatening.”

“Get out.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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