Chapter 467 They Need To Mind Themselves

They were seated, one on the couch, the other on a chair to the side. The chair was originally a bit higher than the comfortable couch, but due to Josiah’s considerable height advantage over Lysander, they appeared to be on the same level.

The distance between them had inexplicably lessened significantly.

Seeing her silence, Josiah gave a smirk. “Would it be too much trouble to pour me a cup of warm water, Dr. Thorne?”

Lysander paused for a moment, then stood up. However, both the coffee table and the dining table were completely empty.

“Where’s your cup?”

“There should be some disposable ones in the cupboard.”

Lysander furrowed her brows. “You didn’t even buy a cup?”

Josiah scoffed, “I don’t have Mr. Housewife at home to prepare and provide everything for me.”

He is being sarcastic again.

Lysander said, “Considering you’ve helped Old Mrs. Everhart, I’ll gift you a cup as a token of appreciation.”

Josiah raised an eyebrow. “Seems like you’re not surprised at all.”

“It’s not hard to guess.” Lysander said, “Madam Susan hasn’t been involved in the affairs of the Guerra family for many years. She probably doesn’t even know where the family’s private jet is parked, There’s no way she could have arranged everything in such a short time.”

“When did you figure it out?”

“When I came over to have a meal at your place.” Lysander paused for a moment, then added, “At Madam Susan’s house.”

Josiah lowered his gaze. “I would like to drink some water.”

Lysander stood up and said, “I’ve boiled some over at my place. Could you wait a moment?”


Lysander quickly made a trip to her own home, only to find the door locked.

Upon glancing at her phone, she noticed a message from Adrian. He had written to inform her that something urgent had come up and he had to leave early. Tiffany also received a call from her father asking her to come home. So, Adrian had conveniently dropped Tiffany off on his way.

Upon entering, the dining table was indeed still adorned with the same spread of dishes from earlier.

However, they had essentially all gone cold.

Lysander felt that it was a shame. She had put so much effort into preparing the dishes, but in the end, not





disinfecting it with boiling water, she filled up the

returned, Josiah had already

his side on the couch, curled

her footsteps, he slowly sat up, furrowing his brow as he asked,

with boiling water… Are you

“A little.”

your medicine?”

Josiah said nothing.

“Where is it?”


“At the office.”

furrowed her

forgot it this morning when I rushed back.


smile. “It’s been a while now. I’ve been attending many social events lately,

any problems recently? You

when there were no social obligations, I could go home. But now, I find going home to be dull. It’s better to stay out and find something to do.”

downstairs, I’ll go buy it for

“I’ll be fine with just some warm water. It’s rare for you to sit here and talk to me,


to slip her wrist out of his palm. “You’re

her wrist, his arm naturally propping himself up on the couch. He leaned casually against the backrest. “You don’t seem to mind at all that there’s another woman with

“When I was still Mrs. Guerra, I


she too



Need To Mind Themselves

it was

Aiden told me that you had come to catch me cheating. For a moment, I… was quite

to look

my sister.”

Amelia in front of you. But in the blink of an eye, you left with your

as she thrust the warm water into his hands. “Drink it while it’s

a small sip, then he tilted his head

the cup, then


is part of

only noticed that Adrian had purchased

had a puppy print on it,

was pink, the other

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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