Chapter 472 A Scheme


Lysander asked, “Did the person who switched places with you mention why they did it?”

The middle–aged man chuckled as he reminisced, “That young man didn’t really provide a reason. He just straight up asked if I was willing to switch seats with him for a while. I noticed his boarding pass was for first class. He assured me it was fine, so I went ahead and swapped with him.”

Josiah was indeed lucky, for he had encountered one who didn’t pry too deeply for this change of seats.

Lysander seemed lost in thought as she quietly remained seated even after the plane had landed. Unlike the other passengers who were quick to stand up the moment the cabin door opened, she chose to wait until almost everyone had disembarked before leisurely following behind.

As she spoke, she couldn’t help but glance around, truly not wanting to run into Josiah again. Although it was inevitable to meet him at the summit, she preferred to delay such encounters as much as possible.

Just then, a flight attendant happened to walk by.

Lysander asked, “Could you tell me, has everyone from the first class cabin disembarked yet?”

The flight attendant was puzzled, but she dutifully addressed the passenger’s query. “The first class passengers have already left on the shuttle bus.”

“Thank you.” Lysander visibly sighed in relief, for the first time ever, feeling grateful for the disparity in services on both sides.

The passengers in economy class did not receive any particular service and had to collect their checked luggage from the carousel themselves.

Lysander intentionally lingered for quite a while before she finally left the terminal to hail a taxi.

Then, at the moment she turned around with her suitcase, she saw her old adversary again.

Josiah stood tall and elegant next to a business vehicle, with one hand casually tucked in his pocket. His brows were slightly furrowed, though it was unclear whether he was growing impatient from waiting or was simply in a bad mood.

Tiffany was the first to spot her. She greeted Lysander with a surprised delight. “Lysa, what a coincidence! Did you also take this flight? I didn’t even notice you on the plane.”

Lysander had no choice but to brace herself and walk over. “I’m in economy class.”

why didn’t you ask? If we knew earlier that Lysa was coming with us, we should have

you should have asked next time.

elated. “But it’s quite a coincidence. Out of the numerous daily flights to

normal. We’re all



What’s the point of


and said in a concerned tone, “Why are you still wearing a

distance herself and exaggeratedly said, “I’ve caught the flu. You all should stay away from me. It wouldn’t be good if you caught it too.”

shot her a wordless

heard the summit schedule is packed.

summit host provide accommodations? I’ll just take a cab

was no need

and any hotel that could accommodate Josiah


quite broke at that time.

Lysander was about to bid them farewell and take her leave, she heard Tiffany speak up again. “But the hotel arranged by the host is quite far from the venue. The one Jose booked is much closer. Let’s stick

already called

her sentence, Josiah silently picked up Lysander’s luggage and placed it in the trunk of the car. Then, without missing a beat,

Clinging onto Lysander’s hand, she refused to let go and playfully said, “Lysa,

cars already stacking up impatiently behind, honking their horns incessantly.

“Hurry up, Lysa. We should get going. We don’t want to hold

right, then.” Having no other choice, Lysander reluctantly joined her in

nonchalant glance at them. He then instructed the

the only one chattering away, as cheerful as a songbird, about matters related to the summit. Lysander would occasionally chime in with a few words, while Jonah remained

arrived at the place quite

6 Jun

NOO! fund


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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