Chapter 475 Determined Not To Stop

This strategy seemed to be quite effective. After the doorbell rang a few times, it fell silent and didn’t ring- again.

Lysander lifted the blanket, attentively listening to the movements outside the door, trying to confirm if he had truly left..

“Yes, this is the room. I’ve been ringing the doorbell for quite some time with no response. Could please open the door for me?”

Immediately after, the sound of a room card being swiped could be heard from outside.

Lysander immediately sat up.

“What are you doing!”


“Hello, miss, I’m the hotel manager. How are you faring right now? Your boyfriend mentioned that your were ill and there was no response even though he kept ringing the doorbell. He was worried you might have fainted and couldn’t open the door, so he asked us to come and check on you.”

Lysander felt as though a fire was consuming her from within. “I didn’t faint. I’m fine. All I want now is to rest, is that okay?”

The manager repeatedly apologized, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb your rest.”

“You should go. Tell him to go as well.”

“Yes, yes, my apologies, miss!”

The manager had barely turned around when he heard Josiah say, “She’s running a fever and being difficult with me. If anything were to happen to her in your hotel, no one could bear that responsibility.”

The manager was in a bind. “But we can’t just enter without the guest’s permission.

After a moment of contemplation, Josiah decided not to ring the doorbell this time. Instead, he knocked on the door with his hand. “Lysander, open the door. I have something to discuss with you.”

“Let’s talk about it tomorrow!”

“It’s about work. There’s been a change in the plans for the summit, so open the door. I need to explain things to you.”

There was no response from Lysander.


Lysander closed her eyes for a moment.

It seems he’s determined not to stop until he achieves his goal today.

“Wait a moment.



1 Coins 1 Pearls

Chapter 475 Determined Not To Stop

is it that you have-?”

Her complaint was abruptly cut short by Josiah’s next action.

Casually. Josiah tossed his phone inside the door, letting it land on the carpet with a soft thud. Then, without any warning, he embraced Lysander, pushing her back inside with him.

With a backward shove, he shut the door tightly.

Lysander was still a bit dazed when she was spun around in a circle and, with a force that was neither too light nor too heavy, pressed up against the wall.


had a cold


door without dressing properly again? There’s

her brows before smacking her own

next moment, Josiah’s hand covered hers, gently massaging the spot she had just smacked. “Why are you hitting your own

feeling well,” she said tiredly. “Josiah, that’s twice already tonight! Can’t I just

door, the manager’s voice came through, cautious and tentative, “Mr. Guerra, is your girlfriend all right? Do you need


when she spoke, her voice was muffled against his chest.

reached out, brushing away the stray locks of hair on her forehead, and checked her temperature.

have a

don’t need to

a fair idea in her own

resembling a common cold

casual remark

water. There are many patients in the hospital, and their immunity is already low. I don’t want to risk/spreading anything to them.”

it really the flu?”


1404 +310

1 Coins

1 Pearls

Fri, 7 Jun M


that you have-?”

short by

a soft thud.

he shut


around in a circle and, with a force that was neither too


had a cold

more so.

the door without dressing properly again?

brows before smacking her

next moment, Josiah’s hand covered hers, gently massaging the spot she had just smacked. “Why are

twice already

through, cautious and tentative, “Mr. Guerra, is your girlfriend all right? Do you

in his arms. His tone was gentle as he said,

low, so when she spoke, her voice was muffled against his chest. “I’m

brushing away the stray locks of hair on her forehead, and checked her temperature. “You don’t seem to have a fever anymore. Do you feel unwell anywhere else?”

a headache.”

you sure you don’t need to

fair idea

resembling a common cold but more akin to

casual remark at

There are many patients in the hospital, and their immunity is already low. I

frowned. “Is it


1 Coin!

1404 310

1 Pearls

7 Jun MFWD

475 Determined Not To

traveled here by plane. If I were going to catch anything, it would have happened already. It’s too late to avoid it now.”

need any more help for now. Sorry for

right, I’ll be taking my leave now. If you need anything, feel free to call the


his sleep in the middle of the night by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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