Chapter 489 The Right Attitude

Josiah wasn’t upset about having his intentions exposed. “I had no idea this meeting would be so dull before I came. I attended the first few years it was held, and it was quite interesting back then. But having not attended for several years, it’s now filled with more and more bureaucratic jargon. If you really want to know what was discussed in the last two days, I can ask the organizers for the presentation slides. However, I must warn you. Their slides are even more boring than the meeting itself”

“It couldn’t be more boring than a medical textbook.” Having been a medical student for many years, Lysander didn’t mind plowing through research papers, let alone just a few slides.

However, there was something else that truly left her speechless.

She asked. “Do you have any symptoms?”

Josiah shook his head. “Nope.”

Lysander thought. We were on the same flight and shared the same room, so how come he’s not experiencing any symptoms? So, the virus really bullies the weak and fears the strong?

Josiah said, “It could be because you’re a doctor. Maybe you’ve offended this virus’s close kin before. Every debt has its debtor. Maybe it’s just seeking revenge on you.

Lysander chuckled. “Well, this virus seems to have quite a sense of honor.”

Josiah leaned in closer, reaching out to touch her forehead. “Why is it still so hot?”

Lysander tilted her head to avoid his hand. “Stay away from me.”

Josiah frowned in discontent. “What now?”

“I’m fine. I’m just tired.”

Josiah patiently helped her adjust the blanket. You should sleep, then.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll stay here to keep you company.”

Lysander turned away from him, closing her eyes. “Go on with your tasks. I’ll be fine after I get some sleep.

Josiah spoke gently. “You can’t see me even with your eyes closed, so there’s no need to turn your back on me purposely. Just turn around and lie flat.”

Lysander remained still.

Josiah took immediate action, gently turning her back around by placing his hands on her shoulders.

Lysander was furious. “Are you even going to control how I sleep?”

“You have a needle in your left hand, so lying on your side would press on it.” Josiah gently patted the blanket on her. “Go to sleep.”



The Right

had drifted off into a hazy

faintly hear Josiah. It seemed like he was speaking in

Thorne Constructions and Energies to my email. I’ll take a look when I have some free time. That’s right. Could you help me find a caregiver in Apex City who’s good at making soup… Yes, she’ll do, Make sure to find some time this weekend to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thorne personally. I won’t be able to make it

didn’t quite catch what

hard to listen, but it seemed the harder she tried, the more futile it became. Eventually, she succumbed to

again, the sky had already turned

in Apex City was far more brilliant than in Harborbrook, bathing the entire hospital room in a golden glow that made Lysander

still there, engaging in a conversation

his hands were holding her


sleep. Lysander’s throat was

head and

her brows. “Why are you fiddling with the IV drip?”

too cold, so he specifically asked me to slow down the drip rate. He’s warming it with

anything to her. No matter


Your fever has subsided now. I’ll head out.

had left the room, he walked over to close

up, leaning against the head of the bed. She touched the tubing

temperature cold storage. After Josiah’s actions, the liquid

are you


okay. I’ve already braced myself for this. Making amends requires the right

489 The Right

just part

Lysander remained silent.

took a seat beside her.

“A liule.”

haven’t really eaten much since yesterday. You must be hungry Breakfast will

raised an eyebrow. “You know how

baskets adorned the coffee table, Josiah casually opened one, plucked an apple from within,

potent. The way he peeled the apple showed his proficiency, far from being a novice. In no time, he

her the peeled apple.

took it, somewhat surprised. “I didn’t expect you to be skilled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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