Chapter 498 No One Could Stop Him

Lysander let out a deep sigh. “You may use the money first.”

“So, you’re really going to have a child for him?”

“He’s gone mad, not me,” Lysander said. “So Daphne, you need to pull yourself together, stand tall, make a lot of money. Then we can pay him back, with interest, in the future.”

Upon hearing this, Daphne couldn’t help but laugh. “Forget it,” she said. “I’ve given it a try recently and I’ve realized that I’m simply not cut out for business. Even my dad has given up on me.”

“So, are you really not going to continue with your family business?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t I? It represents my parents‘ lifelong dedication after all,” Daphne said. “Lysander, I think my dad might be right. If I can’t do it myself, then I’ll find someone who can.”

“I didn’t quite catch that. Are you planning to hire someone?”

“What I’m saying is, I want to get married.”

Astonished, Lysander asked, “Are you also planning to marry into a wealthy second–generation family?”

“Ha, these second–generation folks in our circle, they’re either playboys like Aiden, or they’re just average, not even as good as me. Trustworthy? None of them are. Oh right, if there’s anyone reliable, it’s Adrian. But his heart isn’t in this, and he’s completely smitten with you.”

When it came to Adrian, it was challenging for Lysander to describe the feelings in her heart at that time.

Guilt, sadness, or perhaps, regret.

Had she initially met Adrian first, and it was he she had married, perhaps they truly would have been a simple yet loving couple.

It wasn’t exactly love, but at the very least, there was no betrayal.

Love, it was the most luxurious indulgence in the world.

what’s your plan? Going

a disadvantage with Harry before, why would you seek out the same situation again? What if he

to my youth and genuine feelings. But things are different now. I’ve already sealed my heart. As long as I don’t fall in, I won’t get hurt. Besides, I’ve gained experience. The company is still under my father’s control. I can offer him a


for over twenty years It’s time I


8 Jun

No One


on the side. When it comes down to it, ours is a partnership. He manages the

his fate.”

didn’t know what to say

wasn’t even sure if she should offer

in the realm of marriage, she

Hofcaster that operates this way. The elderly couple has stepped back, and their daughter married a very capable man from a humble background. On the surface, they are a married couple, but privately, they lead separate lives. The man runs the company quite well, and even brought his university girlfriend into the company to be his secretary. They are inseparable. His wife only asked one question, ‘Can she help you work better for the company? The man said yes,


astounded. “Is that even possible?”

actually find this arrangement quite appealing. As long as

manage the company, I can even take his woman out for shopping

quite right. Don’t rush,

child, Josiah is probably not joking about it. He’s serious. If he truly sets his mind to it, I’m afraid… no

to gaze at the valley outside, sighing. “He surely wouldn’t tie me up and confine me to the

change into. However, upon approaching it, she noticed several additional

she didn’t exercise much caution. She immediately reached out, opened it, and

inside, ranging from outerwear and shoes to underwear, all complete. They were all

were probably prepared by Carol.

brand and size of the lingerie must

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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