Chapter 508 Mister And Miss.

Nieva flashed a smile, gazing out at the sunlight in the garden. “The weather has been so lovely lately. It seems such a waste to stay cooped up indoors all the time. Since we’re here, we should definitely get out more. There’s a canyon nearby that I’ve been planning to hike. However, Aurora keeps holding me back. What do you think, Mr. Guerra? Do you have some free time? It would be good practice for when you have children of your own!”

Josiah glanced at Lysander. “I am fine with it. What about you?”

Lysander furrowed her brows. “Don’t you need to go back to work at your company?”

“My work can be handled remotely,” said Josiah, “Your main task is to focus on your studies. You do your part, and I’ll take care of Aurora. I won’t


Lysander still felt uneasy. “Ms. Lionhart, neither Mr. Guerra nor I have any experience with taking care of children. I am afraid we might not do a good job.”

Nieva blinked. “What’s so difficult about it? Aurora is easy to handle. Plus, you have your professional skills to rely on. You might even do a better job than me. Of course, I won’t force it. it is all up to you.”

Nieva was a benefactor. She had just done a favor, so it wouldn’t be right to refuse her now.

However, asking Josiah to take care of Aurora…

It seemed as if Josiah had noticed Lysander’s worried expression. He asked, “Ms. Lionhart, how long do you plan to be away?”

“It should take at least a day or two. This mountain range is not particularly vast, so it shouldn’t take too long.

Josiah nodded. “A day or two should be fine.”

Upon seeing him nod, Nieva immediately affirmed, “Okay, it is settled then. I’ll go back to my room to

the mountain climbing gear. Oh, between the tents and the climbing ropes, there’s just so much to


sort out.

need to rush. You can

Guerra,” Nieva said, handing her daughter over to him. She then bent down to stroke Aurora’s head, advising gently,

eyes wide, oblivious to

was immediately displeased. “it is Josiah and

you really have the audacity to let her call you

Guerra and Lysander sound

Ms. Thome is so young



508 Mister And

word but responded enthusiastically to her mother’s

her daughter’s nose. “See, even

“Today I am at the bottom of the food


now. In the future, you might call her Mrs. Guerra, right. Mr.

You should spend more

hanging around some aquarium again, not wanting to listen to me anyway. But

“Ms. Lionhart, what

pushed the baby stroller toward them and placed the backpack nearby. “Formula, bottles, snacks, and toys are inside. The diapers

months old, this seemed sufficient. Lysander noted

stroller. Everything matched what Nieva had said,

mother had left. Josiah was using flowers from

actually very attentive. Don’t

Lionhart helped Daphne a lot this time. I have to

said, “For the Lionhart family, fifty or sixty million is not a big

only because of your

it. “So I need to take extra

quite good at

“Do you still want


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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