Chapter 510 Sparks

“Indeed, nothing escapes your keen eyes, Josiah,” Aiden flattered before asking sheepishly, “Whose child is


Josiah explained to Aiden what happened before his arrival. The Lionharts‘ granddaughter. Nieva is going hiking, so she entrusted her daughter in our care for a couple of days.”

Aiden visibly relaxed. His tense back, which was pressed up against the back of the chair, eased. He let out a relieved chuckle and said, “I remember now. So she’s Nieva’s child, huh? I was wondering why she seemed somewhat familiar. Her eyes don’t look like Nieva’s, though.”

Aiden’s mood lightened after he found out about the child’s identity. Making faces to cheer the baby up, he said, “Josiah, I’ve heard that Nieva isn’t much involved in the family business lately. Is your meeting with her this time about something serious?”



phone suddenly started ringing, and he said apologetically. “Excuse me, I need to take this.”

With that, he pressed the answer key without a second thought, pressing the phone against his ear. Then, a visible change overtook his expression.

Josiah turned to look at Aiden solemnly.

Aiden, who had just relaxed a few minutes ago, became tense again. He tightened his grip on the phone as if he was afraid that others might overhear what the caller said.

After a moment of silence, Aiden spoke up, but his words were succinct. “Okay, I understand.”

He even stopped responding with words after that, humming and grunting in response.

behavior even caught the attention of Lysander, who was

the baby, who was gurgling incoherently, looked

whisper, making it hard for the caller to hear him. “I’m at

hastily ended the call. When he looked

and Josiah were close. The look on Aiden’s face was enough to tell Josiah that something complicated was up. He seemed restless, wanting to leave but

distressed, he expressed

Aiden said, observing Josiah’s expression and saying cautiously, “That was a

unbothered, playing with Aurora. “So what? Why

Aurora was heartwarming,


Chapter 510 Sparks



knew all too well that Josiah and Adrian were romantic rivals. Sparks will fly, and chaos might break out if the two of them meet! Wire still, I can’t afford to offend either of them.

Aurora. Josiali’s lack of reaction only made Alden even more unsettled. After much consideration, he suggested, “Perhaps I should give him another call. If there’s nothing urgent,

and perhaps the impending chaos wouldn’t happen.

“Every visitor is a guest. The hotel’s a business establishment.

too, which

volcano always seemed particularly calm before

chewing on the

she displayed was

that, Aiden broke out in

long, Lysander finished her breakfast while Aurora got bored and started wriggling around, wanting to

fuss if we

at the clock, noting there was still plenty of time and that she could always read the documents later. “All right.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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