Chapter 513 Between Men

Aurora widened her eyes without blinking while they argued, her gaze filled with bewilderment. She was so engrossed in the adults‘ conversation that she didn’t even pay attention to the other kids in the playground, curiously staring at the adults, turning her head from time to time. Upon locking eyes with someone, she’d even flash an adorable smile.

Daphne had her back facing Josiah, her anger subsiding when she wasn’t looking at his face. Her disappointment, however, was apparent as she listlessly changed the topic. “This kid’s quite outgoing and


Lysander thought about the outgoing and cheerful Nieva, sincerely complimenting. “Yeah, she probably takes after her mom. Ms. Lionhart has a cheerful and straightforward personality.”

Daphne held Aurora’s tiny hand. “I don’t mean to raise my voice, so don’t be scared, okay?”

The baby cooed and smiled in response.

Daphne smiled, too, taking the baby from Lysander and approaching Josiah, suppressing her annoyance as she handed the child over to him. “Ms. Lionhart’s your friend, so you should look after her child. You don’t mind, do you?”

Daphne was filled with irritation at the sight of Josiah. In a huff, she handed Aurora over to him, hoping to see him flustered and in distress. However, to her surprise, he held the child confidently and calmly.

Aurora, seemingly familiar with him, even broke into a wide grin.

Josiah lowered his head to gaze at the baby with a gentle smile, wearing a rare tender look on his face. “No problem. You guys go ahead and talk.”

Lysander walked over to grab Daphne. “Have you had breakfast yet? Let’s go grab something to eat.”

Daphne said defiantly, “No need. I’m so upset I don’t even feel like eating. It’s stifling here. Let’s go. somewhere else to get some fresh air!”

She took Lysander’s hand as she spoke, wanting to pull her away, but she soon paused and turned to Adrian. “Thanks for sending me here today. You can go about your business. I’ll treat you to a meal another day.”

Adrian, however, said, “You guys go ahead. I still have some matters to deal with.”

As he spoke, his gaze remained fixed on Josiah. Josiah noticed that and calmly met his gaze.

The two men went head to head against each other, leaving Lysander uneasy.

Aiden, too, was frightened, stepping in to interrupt, “You came here for me, didn’t you, Adrian? Let’s go. We can talk on the way.”

leave too.” Josiah was the one who spoke up instead of

shared the same goal of wanting Aiden to leave, but that only made Lysander even more

a leaf. “B–But I don’t have anything to do if I head


23:50 Sun 19 Jun

Chapter 513 Between Men)

cold, too. “You don’t have to. Go ahead

went off in Aiden’s mind, and he immediately blocked Lysander’s path. “Since no one’s leaving, you guys should stay,

the other is a colleague.

of them spoke, yet neither

in Josiah’s territory after all. Can we go

the Guerra family’s prison. I’m just going to talk to him, so

way! I

Dr. Sutton. I happen to have something I want to discuss with

worry. “Perhaps we should all sit down and

out of this. Go on, don’t

skeptically, not saying a

and waving it, Josiah reassured, “Don’t worry. I have

Josiah genuinely adored this child and was certain he


gave her a

and laughter of kids. Yet, the three adults. standing nearby didn’t say a word, the tension between

stroller, Josiah lowered the windscreen and asked

“This place is yours, so why don’t

“Come with me,

noticing that he had no intention of picking a fight

to escape if Josiah hadn’t asked the two

the way back

available, most of the guests were on vacation and wouldn’t



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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