Chapter 532 Care About You

Josiah had gotten himself injured, leaving Lysander with no other choice but to place the child into the baby stroller first.

Josiah pulled out a tissue, wiping away the blood from his wound as he attempted to clarify the situation. “Mr. Thorne, Lysander and I are actually-”

“Don’t talk to me!” Maverick retorted, pushing him away with a swift movement, afraid he might approach Lysander again.

Josiah was pushed, stumbling, his back slamming hard against the wall.

Lysander sighed, turning back to glance at the child. She tenderly held the baby’s tiny hand and said, “Be a good kid. Your mommy will be back soon. I have to leave now.”

It seemed as though the baby sensed something. Her large eyes suddenly fixed on Lysander, and she was no longer smiling.

“Let’s go, Lysa.” Maverick forcefully led Lysander away.

Josiah was too preoccupied to care about anything else. He quickly followed the duo out.

Maverick was already in a huff when he arrived, and when he was joined by Lysander, they both quickly made their way to the elevator. They rushed in and swiftly pressed the close–door button. By the time Josiah arrived, it was too late. The elevator doors had already closed, and the elevator was descending.

Josiah made a beeline for the fire escape, but no sooner had he turned the corner of the corridor than Tiffany and Dillon appeared out of nowhere.

Startled by his appearance, Tiffany managed to cover her mouth just in time to stifle a scream.

Dillon also wore a surprised expression. “Mr. Guerra, what happened?”

“Move aside,” Josiah demanded.

the wound on

hand. “Stay

let me take a

Maverick was already leading

let out a sarcastic chuckle.

from Tiffany and quickly dashed toward Maverick. “It’s not what you think,

young lady is being so intimate with

only felt a breath lodged in

her eyes filled with anger. “Was

ahead! Josiah knows where I live. Let him bring the police to arrest me!” Maverick took Lysander’s hand, and they quickly left,

waiting, presumably the one Maverick had arrived in. Soon,

was burning

would stay with someone so violent. She didn’t even say anything when he beat you up like this. You used to take such good care of her, but she

up! Josiah angrily shouted, causing Tiffany to jolt in fear,

her father, who

time, Maverick was

“Josiah is relentless. He treated you poorly in the past, and he still wants to deceive you. I think he’s a cheater, and he

by saying, “Dad,

you, how could you be in the same room with him?

take a while for

way, Dad, how did you

matter a secret from

when the topic was brought up, speaking heatedly about the events

turns looking after Michelle in the hospital. It was all going smoothly until Josiah’s mistress had the audacity to show up. I was so furious,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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