Chapter 541 Your Life Is At Stake

“It’s nothing,” Laura responded indifferently. “Don’t bring oping anything next time. We lack nothing here”

Camila was still smiling cheerfully. “When visiting a sick person, one shouldn’t come empty–handed. This is just a small token of our affection from Zachary and me.”

Lysander replied on behalf of her mother, “Mdm. Camila, Zachary, thank you.”

It seemed like Zachary had a hidden message in his words when he said, “No worries. If anything, I should be the one thanking you. After all, you’ve done me a huge favor.”

Lysander gently ushered out the duo by saying, “You must be quite busy lately. If there’s nothing pressing, you don’t need to stay here. You should get back to work.”

Zachary’s eyes narrowed coldly, and his gaze toward her was chilling.

Camila then exchanged a few words with Laura about Michelle’s condition when she noticed the silence. She casually remarked, “Lysander, I heard from your mother that you’ve been quite busy with work lately. Is that right?”

“I am, but I still find the time to visit home,” Lysander replied politely, careful not to direct his dislike for Zachary toward Camila.

Camila hadn’t seen Lysander in a while and assumed everything was just like before. She warmly said, “You’re so young. Don’t work too hard. Zachary is the same. Lately, I don’t even know what he’s been so busy with, always working overtime into the wee hours.”

“Working hard is a commendable thing.”

Camila was quite pleased with her son’s work. She chuckled and said, “Yes, it seems he’s started a new project. If all goes well, he’ll soon have a business of his own.”

Both Maverick and Laura listened in silence, neither of them continuing the flattery.

Michelle did manage to steal an extra glance at Zachary, but before she could get a clear look, Lysander, who had stood up to draw the curtains, obstructed her view. She gently warned Michelle, “It’s cold outside. Don’t let the wind chill you.”

“Thank you, Lysander,” Michelle said, instinctively tightening her coat around herself.

to devise a plan against Lysander’s guardedness. All he could do was say, “Mom, you’re jumping the gun here. I want

words carried a hidden message, intended specifically for Lysander to hear.

you young people’s matters. Don’t just sit here brooding. Why don’t you take Lysander out for a

others, Zachary shot a resentful glance at Lysander. “Sure. Lysander, shall we

stood up, but no sooner had he approached Lysander than she subtly sidestepped him. However, there was something

door. “I also happen to have something to say to you.”

You should spend more

was really about to leave, he stepped forward to stop him. “Lysa,

up on old times. Besides, this is a hospital filled with Lysander’s former colleagues. Are you still worried that I’ll


excuse to interrupt. “It’s almost noon now. The

Maverick replied with a sense of relief and concern,

worry,” Lysander reassured.

something. Your daughter is already so grown up. What’s there to worry about? If

were left lingering in the ward, accompanying the sound of

Lysander and Zachary could no longer maintain their outward composure,

with only a few security guards

lowered her voice and asked, “What about Michelle’s car

Josiah tell

“Tell me what?”

didn’t want to worry you, so he didn’t tell you a

just to talk in riddles to me? If you have nothing to say, then it’s better if you leave.

Lysander was about to turn around and head back

expression as he said, “I need you to go to Josiah again and have him finance my

him for business

He’s still quite attentive to y resolved, right? He’s still quite

laugh, Lysander said, “You’re dreaming.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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