Chapter 545 Birds Of The Same Feather

Lysander quickly realized this and held back Maverick, who was about to chase the people away. She gently said, “Dad, I’m afraid this matter isn’t as simple as it seems. I went to the resort purely for work purposes. You’ve seen it yourself too. Now that I think about it, there are many reasons to be suspicious.”

This time, Maverick didn’t feel as if she was defending Josiah. Instead, he fell into deep thought. “Are you suggesting that I’ve been manipulated by others? But this matter is absolutely true. Josiah has indeed deceived you, even using someone else’s child to fool you!”

Laura was also filled with self–reproach as she tried to reason. “I warned you before you left to always clarify things first. I told you to call Lysa first to understand the situation, but you didn’t listen. You almost caused trouble for our daughter again.”

“Mom, don’t worry. I know you all mean well,” Lysander assured her, not blaming her parents for their actions.

Josiah added, “Mr. and Mrs. Thorne, I’ll handle this. No matter who is behind this, I won’t let those who are trying to hurt Lysander go unpunished.”

His gaze subtly darkened.

Some people can’t be tolerated any further.

Maverick’s attitude toward Josiah was still one of disdain. “It’s rare to hear you say something sensible!”

Upon hearing his father’s softened tone, Lysander felt a bit relieved. She then inquired, “Dad, can you try to recall, besides Lysanne, was there anyone else who seemed suspicious around the hospital at that time? They wouldn’t necessarily have to barge into the ward, even observing from outside counts.”

Maverick and Laura racked their brains as they began to recall the situation then.

Michelle was lying in the hospital bed. Her vision had been considerably limited the day before, but she tried her best to communicate. “That horrible woman kept badmouthing you. Dad couldn’t stand it anymore and started arguing with her, causing quite a commotion…”

Their family always had a knack for uniting against a common enemy.

was chased away by the hospital security, I couldn’t swallow my anger. I went after her, only to find her

eyes lit


well–behaved and innocent. She might just be an unrelated individual, likely

settled in Lysander’s

sweet, innocent girl… just as expected.

age as your sister. Lysanne seemed quite familiar with

wanted to ask Josiah about it, but just as she

their eyes met.

Josiah blurted, “Tiffany.”

Lysander could utter a word, Maverick stepped forward, positioning himself between them. He effectively cut off any chance of Josiah continuing the conversation with Lysander. He questioned in a low, stern voice, “Josiah, from the looks of it, you seem to know the girl who was chatting with

expression was

“I remember now who that young lady is now. Isn’t she the one we ran into at the hotel today? The one surnamed Lanister, is she also one of your


wondering why that girl looked so familiar. I saw her on the news on TV. She’s your fiancée,

turned around and reprimanded her, “Why are you being

“I misspoke, it…

Josiah and reprimanded, “Isn’t it enough that you’ve caused such a huge problem for Lysa? Now you’ve also involved your fiancée. Are you not going to stop until you’ve completely ruined her?”

fiancée. I’ve made the announcement. I have no ties with her anymore.”

for a second. “Birds of the same feather flock together. Your

he had finished cursing did his anger slightly subside.

He felt so guilty

treated in this hospital, so it’s understandable that Lysanne would be here. But it doesn’t seem like the Lanister family has

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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