Chapter 552 The Final Gamble

Carol spoke rather sentimentally. “Actually, you found her a long time ago.”

“Indeed,” Josiah admitted with a hint of melancholy. “I was too obsessed. I had noticed early on that Lysanne’s temperament had changed since childhood, yet I never doubted it.”

“Mr. Guerra, even though I’m your secretary, as a womarl, I can’t help but feel more sympathy for Mrs.. Guerra.”

“I understand.”

The two had been working together for many years. Without saying much, they both understood each other.

Josiah asked, “Please answer a question from a woman’s perspective for me.”

“Go ahead,” she said.

“Would you still accept me if you were Lysander?”

Carol hesitated for a moment, forcing a laugh. “Mr. Guerra, I’m not your wife. My choices don’t. necessarily align with hers.”

A chill ran through Josiah’s heart. “Okay, I understand.”

Carol heard his dejected tone and wanted to offer comfort. However, while she excelled at handling tasks, providing comfort was something she found quite challenging.

After a brief silence, she heard Josiah ask, “How are things at the hospital?”

Carol had initially planned to share the details with him, and upon hearing his request, truthfully relayed, “After you left with Mrs. Guerra, everything at Thorne Constructions and Energies was fine, except… Ms. Thorne had returned to the hospital.”

Josiah was instantly infuriated. “Is she bothering Mr. Thorne and his family again?”

“She’s here right now at Mr. Howard and Mdm. Molly’s.”

rising anger. When he finally spoke, his voice had turned considerably colder. “What is she planning to do this

voice was flat, devoid of any trace of emotion, and the undertone of his

her path. Her only hope lies in Mr. Howard and Mdm. Molly’s continued pity for

behind her, drawn in by the spectacle. The door to the patient’s room was wide open, and anyone with decent hearing could pick up on the commotion coming from inside. decided to bring me home and

to this, Josiah felt a surge of anger welling up

we should have someone persuade her to leave? Mdm. Molly’s condition has just slightly improved. If she continues to create such a fuss, I’m afraid it might worsen Mdm. Molly’s

roar was heard. “What are you

needed to ask my mother personally: could she truly abandon me without a care? I wanted to see just how

go of me now-

Guerra, something seems to

of there,” ordered Josiah in a chilling tone.


she immediately gathered a few

was so loud that even the security guards had been drawn over by the noise. However, none of them dared

resorted to her usual tactics. She dashed to the balcony. flung open the window, and then sat down at the edge, with more than half of

already on the verge of passing out from anger, and seeing Lysanne make such

arrived just in time to administer oxygen to her,

the sickbed, while also trying to persuade Lysanne to calm down. His temples were throbbing, and he spoke with a tone

in her sickbed, one hand clutching her chest, the other trembling incessantly. Despite being on oxygen, her complexion remained particularly ghastly. She managed to utter, “How did we end up raising you

past actions, so much

increasingly unwilling to back down. Her hands tightly grasped the window ledge, fearing she might

my body get torn to pieces, my brains splattered

not a single tear fell from her eyes. She seemed full of life and energy as if

in taking care of Molly for a while, had a fair understanding of their household situation. Feeling indignant, she interrupted, “Ms. Thorne, please stop talking. Mdm. Molly’s condition

regret. “We’ve been through so much together, and I’ve failed as a daughter, unable to fulfill my duties to you in life. So, let’s go together to what lies beyond. You won’t

was afraid others might not hear her,

now it was all for naught. She had to at least secure a sum of money substantial enough

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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