Chapter 569 Let Me In For The Night

The hallway had four walls and a ceiling. They were certainly not the streets, but it was genuinely cold in the middle of the night, with nowhere to sit.

He glanced at the securely locked door of his own house and then at Lysander’s door, which was at least still open, hope flickering in his eyes.

After her outburst, Lysander was no longer sleepy. She said rationally, “There’s no point in looking at me. I don’t have the key to your house. Find someone to help. Doesn’t your cook have a key?”

In short, she was implying that he had better not think about clinging to her again.

Josiah hesitantly withdrew his hand from blocking the door and noticed that Lysander did not immediately shut it. He pushed his luck and said, “Martha does have a key, but my phone is locked inside the house.”

Lysander reached for her phone. “No problem, you can use mine.”

Josiah had a ready excuse. “How could I remember Martha’s number? Besides, it is already past midnight. Even if I did remember, it is inappropriate to wake her up now.”

Lysander knew the best solution but did not want to suggest it herself. Seeing that Josiah did not bring it up, she questioned, “Don’t you have a spare key at home?”

Josiah sighed and replied, “No.”

Lysander responded firmly, “You should have one.”

Josiah shook his head. “I really don’t.”

he spoke, his face turned slightly pale from

Boy Who Cried Wolf“? You know what happened the last time I let you in when we were in Apex City. Are you trying the

harm. I am still

thin loungewear

did not try to force his way in. He simply stood there

later, Lysander

you really don’t want to go far, you can sit

did not bring my ID, so I

the chair. I’ll lend

pang of disappointment. Bracing against the cold,


“It is really cold outside. My

longer dripping but still damp when Lysander was treating his

a quilt instead of a

was almost giving up. “Are you really going to make

his shivering voice more

anger subside a bit. As a doctor, she couldn’t ignore someone about

At least let me stay for the night.” Josiah’s eyes showed no

need to make sure I am not letting a wolf

the cold, his complexion pale as he said, “I promise


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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