Chapter 566 Opposites Attract

She reached out to take the items that Josiah had been carrying for her. It was only after he had returned to his own unit that she took out her keys to open the door.

After being away for a while, the arrangement of the room had become somewhat unfamiliar. The air was also stale. Fortunately, before Lysander went on her business trip, she had closed the windows and covered everything to prevent dust. Otherwise, there would have been a great deal of cleaning to do that evening.

The Ragdoll kitten was lively and clever, unafraid even in unfamiliar surroundings. Once Lysander had turned on the lights, it began to meow, asserting its presence.

Lysander bent over, gently placing the kitten onto the ground.

Though White Coat hadn’t returned home yet, its toys and bed were still there. The home clearly showed signs of having housed a pet. The Ragdoll kitten extended its little paws, scratching the soft dog bed a few times before starting to play with the toys inside.

Lysander couldn’t help but smile, feeling reassured as she went about her own business. After she finished. her bath and came out, intending to find a hairdryer to dry her hair, the Ragdoll kitten had completely adjusted to its new environment. It was enthusiastically using the cabinet in the entranceway as a cat tree, continually climbing up,

Unfortunately, the kitten was simply too small right now. Even with all its might, there were places it couldn’t jump up to. Seeing its owner come out, it finally gave up trying, choosing instead to run to her feet and start playfully winding around her legs.

Lysander was careful not to step on the fluffy tail of the kitten, carefully sidestepping it as she moved.

Ding dong-

Someone was ringing the doorbell.

Given how late it was, Lysander could easily guess who the visitor was, even without having to think about iL

She crouched down and replaced the water in the kitten’s bowl.

Josiah was persistent, standing right outside the door and saying, “Lysander, I came to borrow something. Do you have iodine at home?”

Still on her guard, Lysander reminded him, “You should have a first aid kit at home, right? I remember seeing it when you had gastric last time.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Josiah responded naturally, “There’s only gastric medicine inside.”

After deliberating a few seconds, Lysander slightly cracked open the door.

In the hallway. Josiah was seen wearing a loose, casual outfit. A faint mist clung to him, suggesting he was fresh from a bath. His hair, still wet, was slicked back atop his head, revealing a bandage on his smooth forehead.

Without the fringe falling over his forehead to conceal it, the wound on his brow became even more noticeable.

“Did it get wet?”

“No, it’s just… I accidentally bumped into the shower head.”

your head on the showerhead that’s placed so

“I’m tall.”

her eyes at


speaking, Josiah gestured toward

tinged with a faint pink hue, and

day, the injury was inflicted by Maverick, and Lysander truly couldn’t

“Come in. I’ll help you with that. If you really did get water on

from his own

its second owner. It began to meow

kit. Upon turning around and witnessing the scene, she couldn’t help

a clingy

at home. He settled down on the couch and started

the cat likes you


just a

aid kit on the coffee table, creating a soft click. Then she asked, “Are you sure you

lit, obscuring some details from view. It wasn’t until Josiah sat in the

a mere wound getting wet; it was clear that the entire

subtly clearing his throat to mask his discomfort. Then he murmured, “I might have gotten

said was the truth; he just

water before grabbing the showerhead which resulted in the iet of

‘a bit‘? Do you know how troublesome

of medical tweezers. With great caution, she began to remove the bandage that had become tightly adhered to Josiah’s

but even

pain. However, when Lysander was the one tending to his wounds, he seemed to transform into a completely different person. Not only was he

a firm and

a groan from

confusion, “Does it

keep a poker face, but he found it momentarily impossible. Taking a deep breath to regain his composure, he said,

be swift, decisive, and accurate. Doing it slowly would

“I’m all right.

a cotton ball soaked in iodine to disinfect

a chance of infection if it

hard to tell. But with an open


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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