Chapter 563 Relying On His Authority

Lysander decisively shook her head. “The scenery in the mountains is far more appealing”

Naturally, Josiah agreed with her suggestion. “All right, let’s go back.”

He instinctively picked up the cat carrier and other personal items. Lysander, carrying the cat, led the way. He followed her at a steady pace, keeping a step behind and matching her stride as they leisurely made their way out.

From the private dining room to the entrance of the restaurant, one had to cross a corridor adjacent to the pond. In such a serene setting. Josiah deliberately slowed his pace and asked, “They were discussing a lot of matters related to Thorne Constructions and Energies just now. If there’s anything you don’t understand, feel free to ask me.”

“Thanks,” Lysander responded, showing no intention of asking any questions. However, she quickly changed the subject. “But next time we need to meet, just arrange it for me, please. I’ll handle the rest. I don’t really enjoy relying on someone else’s authority.”

Those four individuals might indeed be somewhat capable, but they were completely under the control of Josiah, and it seemed that there was no chance of change.

If Lysander wanted to stabilize Thorne Constructions and Energies, she couldn’t solely rely on Josiah’s authority,

Josiah understood her intentions, his eyes dimming as he glanced at the shadow on the ground and said, “All right, I understand.”

They left the private restaurant in silence, not exchanging a single word along the way.

Josiah stood under the bright streetlight before he spoke again. “Wait here for a moment. I’ll bring the car around.”

The underground parking lot was situated in the nearby business district and required a bit of a walk from here.

Cats tended to get stressed in crowded environments. Lysander gently stroked the fur of the Ragdoll kitten in her arms and responded, “Okay.”

Josiah left swiftly.

of the streetlamp, Lysander stood holding the kitten while observing their shadows on

Ragdoll cats were naturally good–tempered, but this kitten calmly allowed her to hold it. Raising its head to look at her, its light blue eyes shone with

she always felt that this

a moment, she wasn’t sure whether to say that the kitten was human–like or the girl was kitten–like. Regardless, both had endearingly round, chubby faces

child, Lysander surprisingly began to develop what one might

before that a mother who had lost a child seemed to unconsciously develop a

a prime example. Her adoration for Lysanne had long since surpassed the

was precisely her boundless affection for Lysanne that had shaped the latter’s personality in

start, she might have become kind and compassionate, living out her life in peace and

and the way the heavens had orchestrated her life, Lysander wasn’t sure whether to consider

away, a few young women were chatting and

woman, who appeared petite and delicate, focused her gaze directly on Lysander. Her companions.


about that. I just spotted someone I know and got a bit distracted. Could you guys hold on for a

odd, but it wasn’t appropriate to question her about it. Hence, they decided

“Lysa, I didn’t expect to run into you here. You’ve been

an indifferent glance at Tiffany, noticing her innocent smile. It was as if she had completely forgotten about the incident that took

woman was far more cunning than

gazed affectionately at Lysander, seemingly oblivious to the latter’s prior indifference toward her, or perhaps she simply didn’t care. Seeing

your cat? It’s so

spoke, she reached out, seemingly intending

paw and swatted Tiffany’s hand. Its back arched, and its fur bristled all over its body in a display of both

it didn’t manage to inflict any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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