Chapter 559 Technology Transforms Life

Josiah was fully aware that he was at fault. Indeed, he bore the full responsibility for that incident.

He awkwardly touched his nose and said, “The reward…”

He then gently stroked the kitten’s head, his voice softening considerably. “Could I have the opportunity to care for the little feline? For example, help it clean its litter box. That wouldn’t be too much to ask, would it?

Indeed, it wasn’t unreasonable, but Lysander still couldn’t agree, rejecting it outright and without hesitation.

“I won’t consider it. You’ve just taught me that the most important thing in managing a company is to separate public and private matters. We should never let personal feelings interfere with our work. Now, you’re helping me plan my work and fit into Thorne Constructions and Energies, which is a professional matter. However, my home is my personal space. After work, I still want to be on my own.”

The image of Adrian helping Lysander walk the dog surfaced in Josiah’s mind, causing a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. Someone did that before and failed. I don’t think I should do the same.

It wasn’t that kittens and puppies weren’t adorable enough, but her vigilance was simply too high, leaving no room for any slip–ups.

Lysander noticed he had fallen silent, and she couldn’t resist adding another comment to completely quash any remaining objections. “Besides, it only takes a few minutes to clean up the cat litter. I could easily do it while I’m pouring a glass of water. I did some research. Take a look at this.”

Lysander handed over her phone for him to see.

On a certain orange–colored app, the product listed was an automatic, no–scoop cat litter box.

“Technology changes life,” Lysander said.

Josiah didn’t say anything in response.

The petite Ragdoll kitten had been playing on him for just a short while before it grew tired. Upon hearing Lysander mention that she was going to buy something for it, the cat immediately hopped down from the couch cover onto the floor and swiftly made its way to Lysander’s feet.


heartstrings. Without hesitation, she bent down and scooped it onto her lap. One hand continued to stroke its smooth fur while the other kept flipping through the documents, jotting

behind her. With nothing else to do, he resorted to opening his

for him. He read it with

the incoming call was from Lynn and casually answered

phone call, Josiah immediately shifted

oblivious to the subtle changes happening behind her, cheerfully chatting with Lynn. “What made you think of calling me?

on the other end of the line. “How could I not be busy? I’m swamped, Dr. Thorne. Due to my hectic schedule,

it sound like you’re in jail?” Lysander lightened up considerably as they started. discussing the events at the hospital.

simply stared at her, lost in thought, his gaze filled with a hint of longing. It’s been a while since

curve into a slight smile, Josiah

out, caring for the right person can be so wonderful. Caring for the wrong person, on the other hand…. Josiah restrained his emotions. For the rest of her life, she’ll return to live the life that was originally hers. Lysander and Lysanne are back to

was incessantly sighing. “I’ve really run into some trouble. I encountered a patient today who claimed to have come specifically for our hospital’s renowned obstetrics and gynecology department. The moment I heard this, I was immediately filled

her department had always been on the rise. This standing only grew stronger as several healed patients spread the word, turning the department into the final beacon of hope

trip to Harborbrook. They believed that if their condition couldn’t be treated there,

Lynn, who was usually so optimistic, in such a state of distress, Lysander knew she was facing a major problem. Hence, Lysander quickly offered words of comfort by saying, “What

she could trust implicitly. With her noticeably more relaxed voice, she asked, “Dr. Thorne, are you free at the moment? Could you spare some time to discuss

free. Go ahead,” she

in the morning/claiming she was engaged and wanted to undergo a thorough medical. examination before her wedding. However, she was evasive about why her fiancé wasn’t with her. I sensed

the issue most likely stemmed from the

on it much, simply asking, “Is there

me to take a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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