Chapter 571 I Have A Date Today

Aiden finally noticed that had been standing in the hallway for a while, but had no intention of opening the door. He asked in confusion. “Josiah, did you lose your house keys?”

Josiah replied calmly, “I forgot to take them when I went out last night. They’re locked inside.”

He did not explain why he had gone out, but given his attire and the direction he had come from, the answer was obvious.

Seeing Lysander’s figure flash by in the background, Aiden and Zane exchanged knowing looks and nodded in unison. They deliberately raised their voices. “It is normal to lock your keys inside! Totally normal! Everyone makes mistakes! We get it.”

Mindful of Lysander, Josiah did not plan to chat for long. Wrapping up, he said, “I can’t get back into my place for now, so I won’t keep you. As for the phone issue…”

He turned to Aiden. “You’ll just have to be patient for a few days. With your spare phone, anyone important will still be able to reach you. Take care of yourself.

Fully agreeing. Zane was ready to leave. But Aiden asked, “What about you, Josiah?”

Josiah seemed unbothered by his own situation and answered calmly, “What else can I do? I’ll go to the company to get my spare phone.”

Aiden shook his head repeatedly. “I meant your door. How are you going to handle that? You can’t change clothes if you can’t get inside.”

That was indeed an issue. He couldn’t wander around in his loungewear.

Despite the inconvenience, Josiah seemed in good spirits. “I’ll stay on Lysander’s couch for a few days. We’ll figure it out later.”


Aiden and Zane eyed him skeptically, clearly not buying his explanation.

Playing along, Zane nodded without commenting further, knowing they couldn’t just barge into Lysander’s place to check.

Still concerned about his phone, Aiden suggested, “Josiah, why suffer? Just call a locksmith to open the door.”

Such a simple solution shouldn’t have been overlooked.

was genuinely baffled

eyes narrowed coldly. “What did you say? I

“I said…”

“Josiah, he’s been a bit out of sorts lately. I’ll take him to

did not catch on now, their years of friendship would be in vain. He did

into the elevator before letting go.

had almost suffocated him with his strength.

that really necessary?” he

known Josiah for so long. Even if

really wanted to pry open Aiden’s head to see what was inside. He retorted, “Can you think about something other than girls for once? Josiah did not close the


let out a sigh that sounded like he had narrowly escaped death. “Are you saying Lysander might feel

don’t know. But I did see Lysander in a nightgown when she passed by. If Josiah found out we saw

was a good thing that the two of them left early!

silently giving Zane a thumbs–up,

returned to Lysander’s place. A short while later, Lysander had not only finished freshening up

Lysander did not react much, instead

from food, most of its needs were being met with White Coat’s belongings. Luckily, the requirements for kittens and puppies were

apparent that there were quite a few things that needed to be added

more bowls next time. By the way, is the litter cleaned?

night, Lysander had temporarily used a cardboard box

discussing his “reward”

packed trash. “It’s already cleaned. The cat was well–trained at the Cattery. It uses the litter box

still a kitten, it had developed good habits, saving Lysander the

too much of your time. But I heard that keeping cats and dogs

Lysander planned to bring White Coat back.

wanted to eliminate

and said calmly. “We’ll see. If Dr. Sutton returns White Coat, we’ll figure it out. Since I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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