Chapter 615 I Do Not Want Her To Be Sad

A flicker of pain flashed across Lysander’s forehead.

It was precisely because she understood so well that she wavered over time. She wanted to grasp the last fleeting hope like an ordinary person who hadn’t studied medicine.

Josiah didn’t utter another word. He just quietly stayed by her side.

At times like these, no one but herself could pull her out of her emotional turmoil.

The serene ambiance in the room was only broken when Josiah received a phone call. He glanced at the caller ID and answered the call in front of Lysander. “Mr. Maverick.”

Lysander quickly looked over.

Josiah was holding his phone with a serious expression. After a brief moment, he said, “All right, please wait a moment. I’ll be right there.”

Judging from Josiah’s defensive attitude, it could not have been Howard.

Lysander became anxious first. “What does my father want with you?”

“I’m not sure either.” Josiah shook his head, his voice gentle and soothing. “He doesn’t know that I’m with you right now. He says he wants to talk privately with me. Don’t worry, if anything comes up, I’ll definitely let you know.”

Recalling the secret that Maverick had painstakingly concealed, Lysander didn’t have the heart to expose it. She halted in her tracks and said, “All right.”

Josiah swiftly walked out, but he gently closed the door behind her as if he didn’t want to make even the slightest sound.

the staircase at the end of the corridor. On the most secluded part of

by the choking smell of smoke. The ground was littered

he had done quite a bit of

casually sat down beside him on the step. “Mr. Maverick, I know I shouldn’t be the one to say this as I’m the junior here, but you’re smoking way too much. It’s not good for your health,” Josiah advised politely at the thought of

into the trash bin before returning to his seat. He then said, “For me, it doesn’t matter


suspected that Maverick had actually noticed long ago that he and Lysander had discovered his illness. reluctance to cause worry


encounter, Maverick had aged significantly. He let out a long sigh before explaining the reason he had called Josiah

and are inscrutable to others, but when it comes to matters related to Lysa, you

even from his wife and daughter. After saying those words,

a wave of discomfort in his heart. He nodded,

asked, “Does Lysa know about

time Maverick had a calm and composed conversation with

was just a bit concerned about why your attitude toward me changed

hesitation, Josiah decided it would be

her worrying about me again, or wanting to go to the hospital to inquire about my

replied somberly, “All right, rest

in the stairwell didn’t dissipate. The environment only worsened

the aggressive and irritable

over here, Mr. Maverick, let me

when Maverick cut him off, saying, “No need, I know my own body. quite

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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