Chapter 664 Feeling Tempted

As dusk enveloped the lake, only a handful of bulbs strung up by the villagers cast light along the path, rendering it considerably more challenging to navigate than during daylight hours.

Josiah, with Rhizone leading the way, managed to carry a substantial load of gear swiftly. Upon their return, he promptly began the task of erecting the tent and unpacking the sleeping bags without delay.

Nilou and Rhizone, seeing that they were about to retire for the night, returned to their home.

The tent they set up was spacious, designed to comfortably accommodate two people. It was much larger than the one they had rented during a previous mountain expedition. Even with two sleeping bags laid out inside, there was ample room to move about without encroaching on each other’s space.

At this point, Josiah was relieved to finally be able to stand upright without constraint.

Observing the preparations, Lysander realized Josiah had brought an impressive array of camping equipment. As he laid out a moisture–proof mat and began assembling a mosquito net, her surprise was evident. “You didn’t collapse the bridge with all this gear, did you?” she asked with a hint of amazement.

Josiah responded, half–jokingly. “That’s quite an exaggeration, but I won’t lie–Rhizone did glance back at me a few times as we crossed the bridge. He seemed quite concerned I might take a tumble into the water.”

As they chatted, the appearance of the small house was transformed.

A mosquito net now enveloped the tent, set right at the entrance. Once the entrance curtain was rolled up, Lysander could sit on the cushion inside and enjoy the view outside.

The night was as calm as a placid pond, making it nearly impossible to tell where the water ended and the horizon began. This tranquility lasted until the fireflies began their luminescent dance through the grass.

For Lysander, witnessing the spectacle of fireflies for the first time was utterly enchanting. She found herself captivated, her gaze fixed on the tiny lights flickering in the darkness.

can keep them in the mosquito net so you can watch

thrive. If we confine them inside a mosquito

preparations and sat beside Lysander, admitting

simply clarified gently, “It’s

cut off when a shadow, roughly the size of a fist,

to protect

grip tightly onto the hem of the clothing of the person next to her. eyes. It hung upside down from the top of the net, its mouth agape,

in the world could unsettle

rodent–looking creatures,

discomfort. Instead of hastily shooing the bat away, he calmly shook the top of the mosquito net. Sensing the movement, the

house is usually closed all year round. It probably got confused when we opened it today,” he explained, trying to case her nerves.

felt the tension in her grip relax as he spoke. With a gentle tone, he reassured her, “Don’t worry, it likely won’t come

was tense, her breathing shallow. Yet, she stubbornly retorted, “I’m not scared, just surprised, that’s all. I’m a doctor, remember? I’ve seen all kinds of things in

she then moved to sit slightly away, ceding the best spot by the door, perfect for enjoying the nighttime view, to

but chose not to call them out. Instead, he simply nodded with a

of the mosquito net, continuing to watch the fireflies. However, the area was rife with mosquitoes, and soon she was bitten. multiple times on

be so cold at night, and yet the mosquitoes are

Lysander knew she would struggle to

mosquito issue was the immediate priority. He pulled out a bottle of liquid mosquito repellant, explaining. “The outdoor gear shop didn’t have antihistamine ointment, and the pharmacy was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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